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Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:57 am
by bunsofaluminum
My weekend practice of "Saturday is sweets day" is useful to me, because I know I'll have a little something and that prevents me from holding on to the cravings for weeks and weeks and finally giving in to a binge (it has happened to me quite a few times since starting to follow McDougall.) So I had some candies this weekend. And I might do the same next weekend. Or I might not. Easter...hmmm... but I probably won't have a "feast day" since I've eaten eggs twice in March and the delicious luscious farm fresh eggs with the orange yolks are all et up. :) (Wylie had more than half, just so you know)

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:55 am
by bunsofaluminum
My son-in-law helps my mother with her taxes. This was the main event yesterday, and she decided to make a party of it, so we were invited. We got Papa Murphy's pizza, and I had three slices. Picked the cheese off and that's fine. But I'm just a tiny bit bothered by... something...I can't put my finger directly on it, but it has to do with joining in last night. It isn't difficult to pick the cheese off. No biggy, but why didn't I say "order part of that veggie pizza with no cheese, please"? And I had some of the yogurt parfait fixin's that were available for dessert. It was a "serve yourself" set up, and no one would have even noticed if I chose not to. But I tasted the yogurt...plain ole white yogurt...and it tasted REALLY good. So I had some. *sigh* Hell, I could have had just the strawberries, bananas, and granola sprinkled over, skip the yogurt.

I had maybe two TBSP but why?

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:06 am
by f00die
the more recently we have exposed ourselves to supranormal stimuli
by eating junk food (tasty, calorie-rich, low fiber)
the harder it is to say no when it comes up again
or even to remember that we are supposed to be saying no to eating junk food

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:55 pm
by Willijan
Why? I don't know for you. But for me it would have been easier--especially if I had suspected there would be a dessert--if I had brought my own McDougall compliant dessert. Because then, if I'd had to eat something really boring to stay compliant for the first course, it would have been easier because I had a tasty but healthful dessert to look forward to. For me, it could just be oatmeal with brown sugar, which is good cold by the way. I try to plan ahead keeping my vulnerabilities in mind.
Also for me, when I am in a social situation I don't think as well, or focus as well on what I really want to do. So that's another reason to plan ahead based on your own judgment about what will tempt you or help you.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:51 am
by bunsofaluminum
f00die wrote:the more recently we have exposed ourselves to supranormal stimuli
by eating junk food (tasty, calorie-rich, low fiber)
the harder it is to say no when it comes up again
or even to remember that we are supposed to be saying no to eating junk food

Yes, so true. It acts just exactly like addiction, doesn't it. I did okay on the pizza, truly. The yogurt though...haven't had yogurt in over 10 years and it tasted really good.

willijan wrote:Why? I don't know for you. But for me it would have been easier--especially if I had suspected there would be a dessert--if I had brought my own McDougall compliant dessert. Because then, if I'd had to eat something really boring to stay compliant for the first course, it would have been easier because I had a tasty but healthful dessert to look forward to. For me, it could just be oatmeal with brown sugar, which is good cold by the way. I try to plan ahead keeping my vulnerabilities in mind.
Also for me, when I am in a social situation I don't think as well, or focus as well on what I really want to do. So that's another reason to plan ahead based on your own judgment about what will tempt you or help you.

Thanks for responding :) I appreciate the advice.

My normal way to deal with it would have been just to skip the parfait, or to fix it without the yogurt. I mean, fresh strawberries, sliced banana, with a sprinkle of granola...that's a decent dessert, right? And if I'd had none, no one in the group would have given it a thought. But I chose to go there. SMH. I am highly disinclined to bring food of my own though. If I don't want the food that will be at a get together, I eat before going and then nibble from the veggie platter while visiting and make being with my people the main reason to be there, rather than food. Of course, if it's a big feasty meal, like our St Patrick's Day dinner or Thanksgiving, where we each bring something to add to the meal, I volunteer for the potato or yam dish and make it compliant.

well anyway. I've got my motto "Just Don't Eat It" and also "Simple, Humble Food" ... probably should start living by those.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:57 am
by bunsofaluminum
Let's see about finishing the month all green. garrr. And I might have eggs on Easter, but I'm not going overboard. I've "treated" myself a few times in March and don't need another "feast day"

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:56 am
by bunsofaluminum
Oh for freaks sake.

Well, I ate some comfort food this morning for brekkie: two pieces wh wh toast, one with avocado, one with peanut butter and banana. Comfort food because the stress levels are REALLY high right now.

I brought some bean soup and rice for lunch, but they are both Wylie recipes, which means not oil free. So I may end up walking up to Subway which is close by for a footlong veggie samwich.

who knows.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:53 am
by bunsofaluminum
Easter Sunday was packed with treatish things. Friday, the emotional blah I was going through lead to my eating all the things, just as I thought might happen. I'm going to count those days as feast days, and move on from there.

Today is Monday, it is also the beginning of the month. No more "just a taste" or "heck, it's a special day"...simple humble food for every meal.


Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:57 am
by bunsofaluminum
This morning's breakfast wasn't enough, I can already tell. So I brought some little clementines or mandarins for a snack later on. Feeling really good about my mindset. Simple, humble food is doing me good! :thumbsup:

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:39 am
by bunsofaluminum
I found chestnuts at the Asian market and enjoyed nibbling on some last night. Their shells are cracked, so it's easy to peel back and get the meat inside. Since chestnuts aren't a high fat nut, this satisfied my snackish mood last night. And they're dense enough in texture that only a few satisfies quite nicely.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:18 am
by bunsofaluminum
Those cucumber slices yesterday were HEAVENLY. I had some at my desk, just to munch, and I added half a dozen slices to my sipping water. WOW yummy!

Today is payday. It is also take the bus day, so I didn't bring lunch. It is also raining, so walking to a nearby place might not be that wonderful. Subway is about a block away, up a long parking lot, inside Walmart up the hill from us. If Wylie can't come get me for lunch, I'll go there. Got me bumbershoot. If Wylie can come get me, we'll go to the Vietnamese place two miles up the road. Yum! Pho!

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:22 am
by bunsofaluminum
Good heavens I got hungry before dinner last night. Because it was delayed by a couple of hours. i did have some saltines to take off the edge, and then we went to Sizzler and I had the salad bar with a dry baked potato. I did have a taste of one of their prepared salads, and a small dessert which are not on plan, but they constituted much less than 10% of the caloric total, so I'm counting it green for the day.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:50 am
by bunsofaluminum
Busy weekend. I ended up overeating on Saturday, nothing off plan but too much food. Yesterday was the opposite, with just a bite for brekkie, then most of the day at my daughter's house keeping the baby occupied while they blew insulation. Much fun, as my eight year old granddaughter was there too and we all ended up playing ball on the floor. FUN! So, toast and a banana for the morning, then two servings of a nice big salad with rice and garbanzos and salsa.

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:37 am
by bunsofaluminum
OMG that disgusting food last night. I'll never EVER eat there again, and I am not happy with myself for shoveling in the oily veggies and rice even though I knew it was swimming in oil. :( It didn't even taste good, and I wasn't so hungry that I needed to eat right then. I mean, it was mealtime, but I could have held on until I got home.

and then, eggs this morning. Lordy. Hmm, I wonder if I'll lose any weight eating this way. :roll:

Re: Buns in 2018

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:59 am
by bunsofaluminum
Got some fresh farm eggs from my friend, so I had eggs over the weekend. Also ate out. Need to stop doing that, unless I can get bold enough to ask them to leave out the oil.