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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:20 pm
by moonwatcher
Thanks, Nicole! These look cool. I read that article too and have been reflecting on it off and on all day. Especially how the last daughter stayed there alone. I kind of liked that in a strange way.

Hey, that's great your Dad is getting you Grayson! We'll have a mini book club. :lol: :lol:



edited to add: what a beautiful thought of the day--thanks!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:47 pm
by eri
Wow, that quote is so true! I could use a lil softening up. :oops: Oh well, something else to work on this year.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:53 am
by nicoles
Hey Moonwatcher - yes that article really gets into one's psyche.

Eri - softening is, well...hard! :lol: I gotta remember it too, especially now. Me and my DH were laughing at ourselves the other day - when under stress, we suddenly become petty little critical know-it-alls, commenting (out of earshot, like the brave cowards we are) on how everyone else is driving, dressing, talking walking, eating...and how they should be doing it instead! At least we saw it and stopped before we got too catty. :lol:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:25 pm
by nicoles
Speaking of being catty, and also of laughing, (which we weren't, but it is good for us after all) with a little bit of snark thrown into the mix, I give you this product and comments, this product and comments and this, although you may well have already seen them on the vast interwebs.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:36 pm
by Lesliec1
OMG those are so funny and I haven't seen them on ANY of my interwebs.

I'll have to try to find one that I liked in the past - it's watch if you've seen that one.

What a sense of humor you have. I had no idea. BTW I heard someone on TV (I think it was a congressman!) say "It's not Rocket Surgery" which I say all the time ... except ... he wasn't kidding.

At my husband's office they say to each other, "You wear your ignorance like a badge."

Here's the one I like but I don't know how to do a tiny URL- (read the reviews) ... roduct_top

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:53 pm
by moonwatcher
Okay, you two, you're both cracking me up! :lol: :lol: I guess I must live under a rock, but I hadn't seen any of these, or even heard of "rocket surgery"!! That's brilliant, Leslie!

I have to say my favorite was the parolee turned playwright who owes it all the the banana slicer!! What a funny delight!!



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:17 pm
by Debbie
Those are hilarious!! The banana one comes across my feed all the time on Facebook. It's called a "sponsored ad". LOL My friend who first shared it feels bad cause its her post that always ends up back at the top. :lol:

I can say, that no matter if he is stressed or not, everyone drives poorly according to my husband. :roll:

Everyone sounds so cheery today! So good hear. :cool:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:14 pm
by nicoles
Busy Day - just popping in to post this link, because there is something lovely about it.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:17 pm
by moonwatcher
thanks nicole!! perfect timing :)


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:25 am
by nicoles
And dropping in real quick again just to post a link to this article about Juveline Arthritis, leaky bgut, diet and more.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:52 am
by moonwatcher
Thanks, Nicole--what an amazingly accurate and helpful definition of leaky gut she's written in that article--the root of (nearly?) all evils. It definitely is a significant marker for me as well. Also interesting how entrenched drug treatment is. And you can hear Dr. McDougall's "voice" vindicated in this completely "other" direction of looking into as well. So happy for that kid and his family. I loved how, so kid like, he just got up and said, "Mommy, my knees don't hurt any more," and then went in to breakfast. So kid and little boy like.


ps: By the way that gentle side of leopard seals was a great dinner table conversation starter with my friend Clark's kids last night. I sent them the link this morning. :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:09 pm
by Lesliec1
What a great article!!! Yes, the leaky gut explanation was wonderful to read. And yes, like Moonwatcher says, seems so clearly the root of all evils. Makes so much sense.

Kind of weird that they weren't advised to stop meat but only dairy. But then dairy has to be the MOST offensive thing you can consume, no? Body fluids just seem worse than flesh maybe.

My neighbor's teenage kid had a terrible tiredness problem. Even for a teen, he slept a crazy amount. She went to 14 docs and nobody would help. Most had the expected attitude "just get his lazy butt outta bed." Anyway, thank goodness for a fierce mama tiger. She had to become her own "med student", researching all day. Long story short: leaky gut! He had a list of things not to eat for a while and he was cured.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:44 pm
by nicoles
Shared that article with an MD friend of mine and here is his response as well as a reminder of their friend who dealt with JRA through Bikram Yoga:

MD Friend wrote:I think you know my thoughts and you know how supportive I am of diet solutions to auto-immune disease. The tough part is what is the take home after reading this? Often "western" medicine is wrong. It is great when it is open minded, willing to admit mistakes and willing to intelligently experiment. "Alternative" medicine can work and can show improvement in things not thought possible, but following a regimen based on emotion or ideology leads to results based on luck. I am for science, follow what works and test it. Then repeat what tests successful and test it more. Keep an open scientific mind and open eyes and be compassionate to your patients and their families.

We have a friend diagnosed with JRA who had a tragic childhood including a heart attack at age 13 from his JRA meds. He found exercise paradoxically as his solution and then dove into yoga intensely. Look at him now. He is quite famous in the yoga world. He is also a genuinely great guy and a wonderful teacher.

Joseph Encinia

And here is a link to Joseph Encinia's website* for more info on him. I actually became friends with him, too, through FB and my two friends above, but I forgot to mention him here I think. Or maybe I did not? can't remember, but whatevs :lol:

*Edited to add: Go to his "About" page to read his story.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:21 pm
by eri
What a hopeful story! I cannot imagine giving a toddler MTX. :-(

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:43 pm
by moonwatcher
Joseph Encinia is amazing, Nicole! Thanks. I still find the idea of yoga competition odd, even though I know it is commonplace in many traditions. Not in mine though. My teacher emphasized the opposite. It really is interesting how teacher centered it is.

I enjoyed watching the silhouette video and the story is amazing. My friend Clark has practiced some "hot" yoga, and still does from time to time, I think. If I remember correctly you have too? Bikram is a form of that, from what I gathered.

