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Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:22 pm
by Pacificfords
MmmCarbs wrote:Hey, good for you for tossing the salt & oil. Sorry your sauce didn't work out. Did you use tomato paste? That always helped mine.

No. I didn't. I just used tomato sauce and spices. I will try the paste next time... and an actual recipes rather than just throwing stuff together. :)

Today was absolutely amazing for two reasons. #1: I fit into a size 20 jeans. I bought them as an incentive without trying them on, thinking I wouldn't get able to get them on. My 22 jeans are a little baggy, but not so much. My highest weight was up in the 32 range, so I am feeling incredible about how far I have come. 100 pounds and ... I dunno... 10 pants sizes? I guess they skip by twos, so it would be five sizes. I get confused by that. My scale is still saying I am maintaining, but I suspect that my body is changing inside... muscles and bone and such. I really don't know. I have been so inactive this past year and so anemic that I didn't have the energy to do most things. These past couple of months, I have totally changed that with staying so focused. I am up and going all the time. So, something is happening and I am thrilled. It felt SO good to get those pants on... and they weren't even so tight I had to stop They actually fit. Now I have to go buy a size 18 for motivation. :nod:

The #2 reason: I went to Trader Joe's for the very first time. BLEW MY MIND. I have been so used to shopping at Walmart or specialty health stores. I was shocked to see the quality and low prices combined. Honestly, I had a hard time walking out of there and it was just a fun trip to check out the store. I spent almost $40.00 on things I just had to have and I am going back tomorrow to do my weekly grocery shopping after I make a list so I don't overspend. I doubt I will shop anywhere else from now on. Incredible!! :D

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:50 am
by AlwaysAgnes
Congrats on the new pants, Debi! Just before Christmas I went through and tried on all the pants in my closet removing everything that was too big--about a dozen pair of jeans. I was left with 2 pairs of pants that are a bit baggy in the butt but don't fall off when I stand up. I had to go out and buy a couple more pair of long pants just so I wouldn't have to run around freezing in nothing but baggy underwear. (Some of my underwear are hilarious.) :mrgreen:

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:09 pm
by nicoles
Congratulations on fitting into the size 20 pants! I am so happy for you, and no doubt things are changing dramatically on the inside... :-D

Pacificfords wrote:I went to Trader Joe's for the very first time. BLEW MY MIND. I have been so used to shopping at Walmart or specialty health stores. I was shocked to see the quality and low prices combined. Honestly, I had a hard time walking out of there and it was just a fun trip to check out the store. I spent almost $40.00 on things I just had to have and I am going back tomorrow to do my weekly grocery shopping after I make a list so I don't overspend. I doubt I will shop anywhere else from now on. Incredible!! :D

Trader Joe's is a lifesaver! I have had a long-time love affair with that store - and I never walk out spending more than $80, no matter HOW MUCH food I get. They are building one walking distance from our apartment and I am hoping they finish it up soon!

One warning - even though many products they sell say gluten free, several folks, including myself, have had gluten-exposure type reactions after eating Trader Joe's gluten-free oats, so purchase and eat with care.

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:21 pm
by Pacificfords
nicoles wrote:
One warning - even though many products they sell say gluten free, several folks, including myself, have had gluten-exposure type reactions after eating Trader Joe's gluten-free oats, so purchase and eat with care.

Thanks. I buy my oats from Azure Standard, but I did buy some oat bran yesterday. I will have to see how that goes. It is my new favorite place. :)

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:48 pm
by blue.eyed.mary
Congratulations on the new pants! Yippee!

I have been so inactive this past year and so anemic that I didn't have the energy to do most things. These past couple of months, I have totally changed that with staying so focused. I am up and going all the time.

I have been researching about those extra oils we were talking about. Seems that fat turns to fat, not energy. I am encouraged by your new found energy, Debi.

Way to go!

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:00 am
by Pacificfords
Well, I survived! :) 20 days and one pound lost. :duh: However, I am thrilled that wasn't a gain. The irony is that my diet has not included meat, dairy or gluten. What I did include over the holidays: things like hummus and tortilla chips (not baked), organic dark chocolate, pistachios, and vegetables cooked in oily sauces (at restaurants).

Fat Makes You Fat! Plain and simple. It also makes you sluggish. I have noticed a slight decline in my energy and an overall... blah feeling. I am surprised actually that oil can have such a great effect. I see "healthy vegans" all the time that add oil to their diet. I wonder how much greater they would feel if they got rid of it. I didn't eat great amounts of it either. I still had my typical MWL meals, my regular McDougall meals and stayed gluten free (with the exception of gluten possibly being in food that we ate out - sauces and such).

Out with the old. In with the new. This year promises to be outstanding. I am dedicated to reaching more of my goals. I feel elated at how the year has ended with my addictions to meat and dairy gone and no temptations to return. That is the biggest victory of the year. I have cupboards that are full of healthy - oil free foods. :) My goal is to lose just 10 pounds a month. If I do that... I will be at my goal weight by the end of 2012.

I encourage those of you that read my journal to keep me accountable this year. If I get quiet or stop posting my weights - it typically means I am taking an off track side trail somewhere. I honestly don't expect to be tempted by meat or dairy. Eating out is definitely an issue that needs to stop! It isn't that I don't try to make healthy choices - but besides plain white rice - there are only choices of veggies cooked in oily/buttery sauces. We ONLY go to Chinese Buffets to eat now. They are cheap and they have a zillion choices. I certainly don't load my plate with sauce at all. I just pick out the veggies, but they are cooked in it. Trying to get gluten free vegan anywhere is a challenge.

In being honest with myself I have to conclude that it is likely that I was getting a bit of gluten when I ate out because they probably use soy sauce, not tamari. That is most likely why I am not feeling on top of my game.

I feel like I have overcome several hurdles that were keeping me from my weight loss. It's time to let the actions speak louder than the words. :nod: I don't plan on just hanging around the website for years and years whining about my weight and not doing anything about it. That isn't who I am. I am a person who sets a goal and reaches a goal. The new year - the new me.

I am going to continue to attempt a combination of the MWL plan and the regular plan. I don't cook with oil at all, there is no oil in my house whatsoever and I have put a ban on eating out in the month of January - which will most likely continue for several months.

I am excited about the new year!!

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:37 pm
by jld
Debi, you are an inspiration. I'm humbled by all the challenges you have faced and the courage and determination which with you have faced them. You are doing all the right things and are on track for much success in 2012. This time next year you will be a Star McDougaller, no doubt!:)

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:43 pm
by Pacificfords
jld wrote:Debi, you are an inspiration. I'm humbled by all the challenges you have faced and the courage and determination which with you have faced them. You are doing all the right things and are on track for much success in 2012. This time next year you will be a Star McDougaller, no doubt!:)

Thank you so much for the kind words. Reaching my goals is going to feel so amazing. :)

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:43 pm
by Pacificfords
:) Double post.

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:15 pm
by carollynne
wow, you are really an inspiration to us all!! YOU are doing it up so great!!
Have a good year then!

Re: Surviving Christmas ~ 20 Days

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:18 pm
by Pacificfords
carollynne wrote:wow, you are really an inspiration to us all!! YOU are doing it up so great!!
Have a good year then!

Thank You. :) Happy New Year to you too.