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Day 1

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:55 am
by Idgie
Keeping it super simple today to see if I can get this train back on course. Not sure what's going on with me, but part of it's surely that I'm deep in a writing project right now, and my habit is to snack while I write.

Plan for today:
B: turnip & radish cakes
L: potatoes and veggies
D: partner is making ratatouille
S: potatoes and veggies

B: :thumbsup:

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:33 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Mmmm, ratatouille! That sounds yummilous. Over fettucine noodles? oooooh!

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:25 pm
by Idgie
I've been eating it over either sweet potatoes (surprisingly yummy) or whole-wheat fusilli, but that sounds great!

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:02 am
by Idgie
I've gone off the rails this week, but this moment (5am, 11/9/18) I'm committing to putting on the brakes and getting back on track. Stopping the food tracker was not a useful idea for me at this point, so I'm going back to tracking every bite and taking responsibility for my food choices.

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:26 am
by moonlight
Hi Idgie, I’m sorry you’ve been struggling lately with compliance. Showing up and doing your best in the moment will get you back on track. Having a tough task, such as writing, for me, anyway, can zap your energy. What is the saying about the tough times will build strength? I can’t think this morning! I guess I’m trying to say that these tough times will help you build up resolve. Keep faith in yourself. You’re doing great. Sometimes it just feels like a slug-fest.

I feel that I’ve been struggling lately. I started reading the BDS again and reading my cards. For me, I think the program is helpful. It doesn’t take care of everything but it does give me support. For some reason I stopped on Day 25.

Good luck with your project and remember, as Dr. Be k recommends, “Give yourself credit for engaging in helpful eating behaviors”. I would add “Sit with your thoughts, let a big smile come up, and breathe deeply for a few moments “. :)

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:58 am
by Idgie
Thanks, moonlight. That's helpful.

I feel really motivated today. I'm gonna ride that motivation while it's here. :-) This weekend, I'll make some food for the week. We have a holiday Monday (US Veteran's Day) so I have no excuse. Three days off to make enough food for the following 4 days. That should be doable. :-)

I'm gonna start labeling each meal McD or MWL. I'm shooting to increase the MWL meals, but I'm allowing myself McD meals, too. If I stop losing weight, I'll cut them out again.

Plan for today:
B: waffle hash browns, fruit
L: ratatouille and pasta (leftover from last night)
D: soup
S: soup

B: :thumbsup: MWL
L: :thumbsup: McD
D: ratatouille and French bread :thumbsup: McD
S: oatmeal, an orange, chestnuts, McD soup cup :thumbsup: McD (or is it MWL? there are some baked tortilla chips in the soup)

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:50 pm
by Idgie
FINALLY had a good food day after a week of bad ones. I think part of my weirdness was some all-or-nothing thinking that I'm not always prey to, but was in this case. The alternative to MWL is not EAT ALL THE THINGS -- it's scaling back to regular MdD. My brain forgot about that for a while.

Anyway, not a perfect MWL day, but I made some really good choices (like a piece of fruit and a bowl of oatmeal instead of a cup of fruit cocktail and a bowl of fried potatoes) and I'm happy with how it went.

Plan for tomorrow:
B: hash brown waffle and an apple
L: homemade veg soup
D: homemade veg soup
S: homemade veg soup, four-bean salad, seaweed snacks, radish/taro cakes

Three-day weekend plans

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:47 am
by Idgie
Plan for today:
B: hash brown waffle and an apple
L: homemade veg soup
D: homemade veg soup
S: homemade veg soup, four-bean salad, seaweed snacks, radish/taro cakes

B: :thumbsup:
L: radish cakes, canned corn, sip of sweet tea, seaweed snacks :thumbsup:
D: dolmades, hummus, pickled carrots :thumbsup:
S: pickled carrots, baba ganouj :thumbsup:

First plan is to clean the kitchen. Then I plan to cook this weekend, lots of stuff to eat over the week. First, a big pot of vegetable soup, maybe with lentils, maybe without. Then a big batch of four-bean salad. After that, maybe some lentils to add to stuff over the week.

My kid is coming over at some point to help me re-pot the succulents, and to watch some Doctor Who. I am making turkey burgers for her and my partner (who was awesome and bought whole-wheat buns) and I may try out some bean burgers for myself, or just use one of the Engine 2 burgers I have in the freezer. Right now, I have some potatoes in the waffle iron and I"m looking forward to this holiday weekend SO MUCH.

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:35 pm
by Idgie
The kid ended up spending most of the day here, and didn't want burgers, so we just fended for ourselves -- she and my partner got carryout food, and I ate a can of corn and some radish cakes. Didn't get the kitchen clean, either, but I'll finish up in the morning. I want to spend tomorrow cooking. I did manage to make some baba ganouj out of some really beautiful eggplants that were 50 cents a pound at the market.

I have been reminding myself that the opposite of MWL for me doesn't have to be EAT ALL THE THINGS -- it can just be doing regular McD when I feel deprived or like MWL feels too restrictive. Partner bought me some Ezekiel bread, and that can be an occasional treat.

Plan for tomorrow:
B: savory oats and an apple
L: veg soup
D: veg soup
S: baba ganouj; pickled carrots; radish cakes

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:30 pm
by Idgie
Plan for the day:
B: savory oats and an apple
L: veg soup
D: veg soup
S: baba ganouj; pickled carrots; radish cakes

B: :thumbsup:
L: out with mom -- veg Vietnamese food
D: "burger" -- partner had turkey burger; I had a burger without any patty -- basically a sandwich. Whole-wheat bun, veggies, ketchup, pickle
S: radish cakes; oil-free kale chips; oil-free baba ganouj on Ezekiel toast

Plan for tomorrow:
B: savory oats and an apple
L: veg soup
D: veg soup or veg curry and brown rice
S: baba ganouj

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:55 pm
by Idgie
Plan for today:
B: savory oats and an apple
L: veg soup
D: veg soup or veg curry and brown rice
S: baba ganouj

B: :thumbsup:
L1: radish cakes & 4-bean salad (homemade)
L2: pasta and fat-free ratatouille
D: veg curry and roasted vegetables
S: orange, 4-bean salad

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:23 am
by Idgie
I'm really back in the groove. I was having a really rough week there for a while, but now I'm back on track. It is SO important for me to have cooked starches in the fridge. Like, that's my number-one success tip.

Plan for today:
B: potatoes with ketchup; barley tea
L: leftover curry, 4-bean salad, sweet potato
D: leftover curry, 4-bean salad, sweet potato
S: sweet potato and slaw

B: :thumbsup:
L: leftover curry, 4-bean salad, baba ganouj :thumbsup:
D: leftover curry, spinach :thumbsup:
S: McD soup :thumbsup:

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:10 pm
by Mark Cooper
Way to bounce back, Idgie! So glad you could get back into the groove of things. Wishing you continued success!

Day One

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:52 am
by Idgie
Thanks, Mark! It can be frustrating to keep writing "Day One" up there, but I figure in life, really all days are day one in some way, so I'll keep plugging.

Plan for today:
B: soup; sweet potatoes with cilantro/jalapeno hummus
L: sweet potatoes; 4-bean salad; spinach
D: sweet potatoes; 4-bean salad; spinach
S: soup

B: :thumbsup:

Re: Compliance Project

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:45 am
by bunsofaluminum
Gosh, I am loving the simplicity of your menus! Keep that up and you'll succeed for sure!