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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:55 pm
by Letha.
Hi Kirk,
Just stopped by to say hi. Good to see you posting in your journal and on the MWL thread. Glad your feeling a little bit better today. I’ll talk to you soon. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:24 pm
by BHealthy
Hi Kirk,

Thanks so much for stopping by my log with your support. It really means a lot to me.

I hope your body is feeling better today as it removes those toxins and heals. What a journey to health!

I've been reading through your log and learning a lot from what you've experienced. Thanks for sharing and encouraging here.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:30 pm
by Ege Bamyasi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:57 pm
by Melinda
Way to go Kirk! Congrats! :-)

good going!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:00 pm
by ncyg46
glad you are doing better......

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:37 pm
by nomikins
WOO HOO! Congrats! :-D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:53 pm
by turquoise
Hey, you're doing great! Congrats :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:03 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
I'm sorry that you've been sick but so happy for your RELEASE of 7 more pounds! Go Kirk!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:07 pm
by sksamboots
Get some rest, take care of yourself :O) congrats on the 7 pounds :-D

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:15 am
by Ege Bamyasi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:28 am
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
I don't see a problem with a couple bowls of soup, unless you are not hungry. Is there a reason you're holding yourself to 1000 calories a day? I'm just curious. You know, I'm sure, that you shouldn't be counting calories on this program, just eat and be happy. :)

As long as the food is legal on the program, especially if it's MWL legal, eat until you're comfortably full! Eat and be happy!

I think I feel a long coming on here. It's a polka though, so you don't have to listen if you don't want to. 8)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:47 am
by Ege Bamyasi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:00 am
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
I'm glad you don't mind polkas. Sometimes I wonder if the noise in my head bothers anyone else!

We are big time Weird Al fans here. We actually saw him live last summer and it was really so cool. The younger Doodlepunks had not been to a live concert before. It's been years for me, the last time was to see Elton John and everyone had Bic lighters. Now they all had cellphones! What a hoot. Technology has impacted everything in life. We Doodlepunks definitely need to get out more!

That is so cool that you have a recumbent bike! Is it a stationary one? I saw a guy last week tooling down a country road on a really odd looking bike, he was almost lying flat. Others I've seen are seated more upright. They sure look comfortable, and a lot safer than a two wheeler.

For now though, I think I will be really happy to read that you are out walking. 8)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:43 am
by Anna Green
Hi, Kirk I am so pleased for you and Jeanette. You rock.

Ms. Doodlepunk, when I read the comment about the noise in your head I laughed and snorted! I love your stuff.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:31 pm
by BHealthy
Hi Kirk,

Way to go on that excellent release of the pounds! When you think about carrying around 7 pounds all day for a week - it sounds really exhausting and now you won't need to do that anymore.

I was wondering why you stopped taking the lasix and if you find the water comes off better without it. I am taking it - though miss a day here and there and haven't really noticed that much of a difference. It makes me tired and it's painful to go back and forth to the bathroom so much with my knees as they are. If you don't mind sharing about your decision to stop taking it, I'd be very happy to hear.

You sound like you have a body that enjoys physical activity and is eager to get back to walking and bike riding. It won't be long now!

Take care.