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Re: Caroveggie's Training Journal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:18 pm
by Caroveggie
This past weekend my neck and shoulder really hurt so I watched my friends bowl at a bowling party instead of bowling with them. :( It's much more fun to play.

Eating-wise I've been good.

I did my best over the weekend. We ate at El Torito's (my friend's birthday pick) so I had the veggie fajitas. Too oily. :? Not really much other choice but I guess I could've gotten a tostada without meat/cheese. Next time I'll do that.

Yesterday I had a can of chickpeas and 1 and a half small oranges for breakfast/lunch and brown rice, curry lentils, and cauliflower for dinner (with nutritional yeast sprinkled on top of the lentils). I put too much curry powder in the lentils, they were too salty.

Today I had a grapefruit and a potato for lunch. I didn't even bother with a topping for the potato. I was busy during lunch, making some phone calls, and catching up on some journals here. Just nibbling away and next I know the potato's gone. It was all right. I was going to put garlic salt on it but it was OK without it. Yesterday I took home this big container of ketchup I'd bought (thinking I'd use it more at home than at work)... so no ketchup either.

Because of my neck and shoulder I haven't tried jogging.