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Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:03 am
by Christine in Cali
Hi Carollynea and Blondie...thanks for stopping by and the positive feedback. I will have to remember, NOT even a taste or it will own me.

I am hanging in there, and making every effort to stay positive. I did not make have perfect McDougall day yesterday though, I needed to go out. Home is the only safe place as long as there is no junk. Now if I only had my own home. The people I am staying with ate my potatoes..... :duh: and they covered em with salt and olive oil. Not very much, as they are swimming in it. " Whats wrong with olive oil? " they say. Oh and when I went to the store and was coming in, the husband said what do you have a bunch of weird food? :? Yeah, and I lost 45 lbs on this "weird" food.

I was working in the apt yesterday and a doe came up upon the porch twice, it could not see me in there and I was able to get a close up look at pretty. The setting of the apt is just so beautiful with oaks and a view of the bay.

The rats like to come in a dusk and make all kinds of noise. I don't know where they are, right above my head or the next space up? Either way they are there. Exterminators came by again and it's going to cost the owner 600. Just to block them out and that may not even work. I have to remind the owner that he has to do this for the value of his home not just me.... and as far as the leaky roof, if the rats have been living in the space above the ceiling area, when it leaks the all rat waste will again filter down into the apt. This all doesn't sound too promising does it? So, trying to eat healthy is hard, even if it wasn't staring you in the face. I think for me right now is to just try and stay the path and don't give up, cause things will change for the better.

I will be staying at my sisters house for a week while her husband is away. We will hike everyday!! I am also looking for a small trailer, and if i can find one I will live on my sisters property till next year or so. There is that option as well.

OK here is a new day and to the mighty potato....long my it reign

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:17 am
by janluvs2heel
Have you tried peanut butter mixed with rat bait? I have used it when I had roof rats a few years ago. That may be what you have, they are big, but they love peanut butter. I tossed it up on my roof. That night as I lay in bed around 10:30 I heard them come out, scurrying down the roof, then they hit the brakes & came back. A few days later I found a couple dead ones in my backyard.

I occassionally set a small lid with some p. butter & bait out in my front where my dogs can't get to it, just in case there are more friends around.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:33 am
by LoriJenny
Hi Christine! I'm so glad you get to spend a week with your sis, hiking every day, I know it will be refreshing for your spirit!! You have done so great, and you will continue to...this has just been a little blip. I am thinking along the same lines you are...that I cannot allow any SAD because it will reel me in and I will just want more, it truly is an addiction. Finding a trailer sounds like a great idea, the apartment sounds so nice...if only it didn't have the rat problem...I agree with you that staying the course and knowing that better times are ahead is the way to go!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:50 pm
by Christine in Cali
Hi Jan...these rats are called Norwegian rats. I think that is a good idea to put the poison in the PB. I just don't want them dying in the walls. But maybe putting it outside is the way to go. The people that own the property do not have pets. There are deer and I did see a Bobcat once, right in the back yard. Ran from under the porch when it saw me.

I still have not strung 2 days together of proper McDougalling.Shoot I haven't even had 2 hours :angry: Now I am coming down with a cold or something. It's hard not to feel stuck. Every time I get "home" to the place I am staying, I am jabbed by the husband about the way I eat. Today I told them that I had a soar throat, and he said "Maybe it's because you don't eat enough meat" I am so looking forward to finding some kind of peace.

It's starting to rain now and I think I will go hibernate in the room and watch netflix, Forks over Knives will be a good one, and I bought some spaghetti squash and more potatoes that I will keep in my room tonight, then take them to my sisters tomorrow.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:42 am
by Christine in Cali
Hi Everyone.....I have decided to take a break from the Discussion board. Good Luck to everyone and I hope for continued success in all our health goals.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:10 pm
by to_our_health
Will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts for your health journey as well. Would love to hear how you're doing when and if you'd like to post again in the future.

Be well!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:37 pm
by carollynne
Christine, yes, good luck and stay the course!!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:38 pm
by LoriJenny
Well, we will miss you here Christine, but wish you the best of luck and health!! Stay the course and I hope we hear from you soon!!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:01 am
by Christine in Cali
Hi Everyone

Today is my B-day and although I did not reach my goal I feel fantastic because of this way of eating. I can look in the mirror and see the person I have always wished for. I am not only thinner and healthier I am calmer and happier in side. I will continue on and know that I will find peace of mind when it comes to food and my compulsive eating habits, and that it's one mouthful at a time.

Life is good

Wish you all the Happiest of Holidays, Merry making and the very best food choices.

I am going to dinner at my Favorite Vegan Restaurant in San Fransisco, Millennium. And spending the day shopping and hunting in thrift stores, and going to the Jewelry mart with my Sister. What a great way to spend ones Birthday I think.


Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:56 am
by to_our_health
So great to hear from you. Happy happy birthday! (I just wished two other people happy birthday on FB!)

What a wonderful birthday present you've given yourself! I can clearly hear the calm and centeredness coming through in your words. Sounds like a fantastic day ahead...enjoy!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:40 pm
by carollynne
Christine, so nice to hear from you,a dn hope your birthday was the best one possible!! contrats on all that you mentioned, I think it is terrific!! :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) :-) :lol: :lol: :lol:
you are one star in my mind too!