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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:52 am
by ninamercedes

I know when I am down I use food to make me feel better and I am skinny, well a size 2, but I still use food as a crutch and I do it all the time. I cannot give up chocolate or sugar without feeling very cranky. I feel the need to talk to someone that could help me work it out.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:27 am
by nicoles
Hi Nina,

I know very well how you feel!

Maybe you could look up some OA meetings in your area? I know that when I went to the first one I was shocked at how all the stories people were sharing sounded so much like me. there are definitely people out there who share your experience and have some out the other side!

Also, here are some really good podcasts from the LA OA intergroup - ... akers.html ... casts.html

I listen to them on my ipod and get them from iTunes, but some of them you can play right from the pc.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:38 pm
by nicoles
So much is happening here, too much to even post.

We are moving in a couple of weeks, which is a really good thing, but time consuming.

I finished a big portrait commission, so that is great, nothing hanging over my head while packing and moving. Phew.

My DH is now officially out of work - this Monday was "Hobo Monday" as he called it. :lol: But it is OK, he signed up for a temp agency and has work already. (Our new place is significantly cheaper than our current place, which helps a lot)

And with all this, I am feeling good! Started going to a water yoga class in a heated saltwater pool (DIVINE!!!) and each time I go I work really, really hard, which feels great, and the next few days after I feel 100%! So I am loving that. :-D The teacher just made it up, and I am not sure why or how, but it is so helpful!!!

Happy Thursday all!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:39 pm
by moonwatcher
Hi Nicole,

So glad to hear how you're doing! Good to hear you finished your commission and that you found a cheaper place that's to your liking. "Hobo Monday"--I love it-- :lol: What a great attitude. And congrats to your DH for getting temp work already. Guess we could say that glass is half full. Here's to filling the rest of it.

Wow, this yoga class sounds great!! Thanks for posting the link to the article. It's so wonderful to hear how much you'r enjoying it and also how much it's helping!! 100 % is pretty darn impressive. It's making me smile a whole bunch. And what a cool thing for someone to make up. Makes me wistful for Southern Cal.



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:58 pm
by nicoles
Hay Moonwatcher!

:lol: Yes, DH is very witty with the Hobo Monday. :lol:

He was in sweats and a T-shirt for a few days, doing stuff on the phone and the PC, then had an interview to go to yesterday so he put on his blue oxford shirt, khaki pants an nice shoes and said "Well, I'm back in my monkey suit!" :lol:

He is a funny man :)

Yes, the water yoga is incredible! Just great. The teacher is working on creating a Teacher Training for it, since she also acts (yes, I DO live in LA :lol: ) and has returning roles in many shows, so she just cancels class when that happens. (Bummer for me, great for her!) If she does I'll post it here so that maybe this kind of class can expand beyond the LA area.


Went to the doctor today to check up about my heart and get a physical. I am doing well, had an ultrasound and my arteries and heart look great. Now just have to wait a week for the blood test results, but I am not worried. The Doc said it would be more of a concern for her siblings (one brother) than for a cousin for it to run in families.

OK, then, I'll leave you all with this:


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:22 pm
by eri
That is an adorable pic, Nicole!! I have a ballerina pic on my wall kinda like it...four or five dancers in a row, but no kid. It's one of my faves.

I really hate that your DH is a hobo again. How great that he has work already, though. The cheaper place is wonderful news, but boo to moving.

I'm glad y'all are doing well & staying positive. :) :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:47 pm
by moonwatcher
HI Nicole!

Thanks for these great updates. You both have such a good attitude.

I would love it if you'd keep me posted on whether your yoga teacher is going to train others in this style of yoga. I loved hearing about her canceling class for an acting job. Now that made me miss LA area too!!

Thanks for telling about your doctor's appointment and getting your heart and arteries checked out. I'm glad the ultra-sound showed they were fine. I'm sure the blood results will be fine, too, but let us know. It's nice to get reassurances not to worry and know they are reasonable. I love to hear good news like that, especially when it means good things for dear friends!! Yay!



ps: you made me laugh in eri's journal about your former life as a butter vampire.

on the sweet potato/fruit note: this might sound wierd but I have had steamed sweet potatoes with blueberries and even a little green onion and a small splash coconut aminos for breakfast. I don't know what made me put this combo together. It sounds really weird but it was actually good, although I wondered what most people would think if they saw me enjoying it. Usually I have my "big bowl" though. :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:20 pm
by lmggallagher
Hey Nicole:

Wow, I jump back in and there is so much going on in your life I can't hardly take it in! Move, Hubby on temp work and doing interviews and OMG, a move. I am hoping, in the biggest way possible, that this all leads to new good stuff for both of you.

Seems like the first of the new good stuff is hot water yoga!!! How completely cool. I did Pilates at our therapy pool here for 6 months and then our teacher decided to do it from home for twice the amount. She is raking in the money and I can't afford her at all. I can barely afford the deep water aerobics class but I will be back to it next Tuesday for sure, it's still a great thing and I am so glad you have this available there!!!! :)

You guys take care and know folks are thinking the good thoughts for you!!!! Michelle :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:51 am
by nicoles
Hi Michelle! Yes, life is full to bursting right now! :lol: To be honest, I kind of like it.

Moonwatcher - I will definitely let you know about any H20 Yoga Teacher Trainings! You can count on it. :-D

Running crazy as usual, but just wanted to post this article about the kind of heart attack my cousin had

Happy Tuesday all!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:39 pm
by moonwatcher
Glad you're thriving on the transition, Nicole!!

Thanks for the link. That was very interesting. And sobering. I wonder if diet helps at all with such a phenomenon? Maybe, maybe not. . .



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:07 pm
by lmggallagher
Hi Nicole:

Thanks for posting the article - I had never heard of anything like this and was very curious. It says what I feared - that really there is nothing that they know of yet to prevent reoccurence. I was really glad to read that the percentage of those is relatively low though! I sure hope that is some consolation to your cousin.

I know you are too busy for quite awhile yet, but I am curious how they tested you for this to rule it out in your case. Hope she is doing fine now - she sounds in excellent health otherwise.

Glad your busyness is working for you - I sure wish mine was working for me, lol

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:19 am
by nicoles
Hi Moonwatcher and Michelle,

So nice to see you both!

Michelle, I have been reading your journal, but don;t have much time to write much right now. I want to say though that I am so very happy and excited to hear about all the positive changes happening, after so long feeling icky!

Unfortunately, diet does not play as direct a role in SCAD as it does in typical heart disease, although my doctor did say that CRP is the best indicator of an issue with it, and my CRP was 0.35, about as low as it goes. And I believe a good diet helps with that. So...who knows?

On another note - life is so crazy! I decided to try a Hot Yoga class to see if it would help or not. It does! (So I guess heat is not a problem for me, but tight muscles that need to be stretched are one of my problems.) So, on my second class, when I told the teacher about my PsA, she said she had it too!!! And that she used diet and Hot Yoga to manage it!

Small, crazy world out there once you get out and mingle :-D

Happy Friday all!


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:05 am
by nicoles
Interesting thread on research on organic vs conventional produce in the Lounge today. The girl who did the research is just inspirational!! (be sure to check out Jeff N's thread on similar topic as pointed out by rickfm)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:47 pm
by lmggallagher
Hi Nicole:

thanks for the post direct. I read it all with great interest. Love that the girl took it into her own hands to stop the family debate with some sound science!

I made a pretty long response myself - as I look at this issue from and environmental standpoint - more than solely a position of individual health.

I also had problems with a bunch of the stuff Jeff linked - though I couldn't read it all as I got too crazed with some of it. I know his position is probably that you can afford to be plant based and not have to go organic - for those who think organic is too pricey. If that is so - I then totally agree with him - but some of his sources still suck completely - I mean he has linked someone talking about the benefits of GMO and the freakin "Green Revolution" - ARE YOU KIDDING JEFF. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:59 am
by nicoles
lmggallagher wrote:I also had problems with a bunch of the stuff Jeff linked - though I couldn't read it all as I got too crazed with some of it. I know his position is probably that you can afford to be plant based and not have to go organic - for those who think organic is too pricey. If that is so - I then totally agree with him - but some of his sources still suck completely - I mean he has linked someone talking about the benefits of GMO and the freakin "Green Revolution" - ARE YOU KIDDING JEFF. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know, right! Ah well. Every pedestal must reveal itself to be made of plaster ;-)

Seriously, though, for wanting to do the most good for the most people, yes organic vs not organic is not such a big deal, I suppose. But for me, as much as I can I am not taking any chances. Too many "little, typically fine things" for other people throw me for a terrible loop, so best to just play it safe, even if it does cost more.

So here in lovely SoCal we are in the final stages for gearing up for our move! The new place is ready, the old place is rented and the movers are scheduled for this Saturday, the 27th!

Our current place is a rather spacious 1-bedroom with OK storage, high ceilings, permit and pass parking on the street only (or a $70 ticket. Yikes!) We are walking distance to a lot of restaurants I can't go to :lol: but it is a very convenient location. That said, it is loud and bright and living in the middle of a city kind of neighborhood. But pretty safe.

Our new place is $400 cheaper, in a better neighborhood, in the quiet hills and a 2 bedroom! We have views of Griffith Park from one bedroom and the kitchen. It also has ample storage within the apartment, a storage shed AND a large garage with power. Oh, and we have a private enclosed outdoor patio as well, something we have missed the last couple of years year in the place we are leaving.

Parking is on the street or in the garage, but no permit or pass payments required, and no tickets unless you do something crazy. We are walking distance to Silver Lake park and reservoir, and although we cannot walk to shops like we can in our current neighborhood, they are still not too far of a drive from the new place. There are also two really good yoga studios within three miles o the new place - one hot and one not hot :-D

So all in all, it is a move to be excited about! We went over yesterday to check it out after it was all cleared out and there is even more space than we realized because we had only ever seen it full of furniture. We do not have any really large pieces and we think we will fit quite well in it.

I kind of can't wait, and not just for it to be over, although that will be nice too. I always find a move to be fun and invigorating - a new place! New neighborhoods to explore, new people to meet! We will be closer to Pasadena and the mountains, so we can also explore over there.

And we will be back with the coyotes again! There is something great about hearing them yipping at night, instead of the sirens we hear where we are now, so close to Cedars-Sinai. :-D


On the food front, there is not much to report. I eat this way, no straying, my only issues are overeating at the moment, and when I overeat I can tell the next day in my joints.

I have been really getting into Tulsi Original Tea lately - so yummy! - which is an Ayurvedic blend of three types of Holy Basil leaves that is purported to regulate immune function.