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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:38 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Yesterday, after a week of grieving and seeking God, and desiring to know His mind about this grievous thing that has happened, I finally got some answers.

First of all, Ethan is dead. His suffering is over. He is hidden and cannot be touched. God is with him, brushing away his tears and he will never feel pain or fear again.

Secondly, there is a righteous anger and wrath that is suited to this crime. If the state of Utah does not follow through on justice, God will judge it, in perfect righteousness, in His time.

Thirdly, I can ask Him to have mercy on them.

and most important of all, I can release it to Him. The earth is still so beautiful, there is birdsong this spring and sprouted peas and worms and little red-stemmed beet seedlings are coming forth in my garden. God is faithful, and I trust Him.

Today's Plan

B: baked potato pile
L: nuked sweet pot w/saute'd green beans
L2: last of the potato veggie soup w/more green beans
D: baked potato and salad bar at Sizzler (just balsamic vinegar to top)

Activity: 45 minute Sunrise Prayer Walk! :nod: wish I could do that EVERY day.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:35 pm
by kirstykay
I'm glad God has met you in your searchings. He is so faithful! Thanks for sharing your journey here.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 7:22 pm
by lfwfv
Hey Buns,

I just got caught up on your week. What a sorry for all the pain you're experiencing.

Grief is a dark place isn't it? I'm glad you've been able to keep your eating simple so that you could run to God with all of your hard feelings instead of burying them under food. I am glad you have gained some insight and peace.

I don't know that there are any good answers, and I've come to accept that there are some things I just won't understand until I get to heaven. My older sister was killed by a drunk driver almost 6 years ago and I spent a good couple of years wrestling that out with God.

Grief is dark, but for me, it also simplified things and stripped away all the junk that I thought mattered in life. I wouldn't wish the pain on anyone, but I am confident that God will use this to grow you in your life. <hugs>


Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 11:53 pm
by sksamboots
Looks like your doing great. I can't wait to see your results. Keep on keepin on :D :nod:

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:25 am
by bunsofaluminum
Day Eight Of Mary's Mini w/Potatoes!

Just got back from a 30 min neighborhood prayer walk. And it WAS at sunrise! though, yesterday's was longer and more varied.

At the end of one block, you can look out over the whole city. Ogden is a mountain town, with lots of ups and downs in the streets, but also, a sort of bench along the east side of town. I happen to live at the top of one such hilly street, and a short walk takes me to the edge of the bench. Make sense?

Well, I got to stand there and look down at Ogden as the sun came up and shone into the valley. It was very pretty. Houses were still somewhat quiet. there was no traffic, and the light made the trees golden.

didn't think I'd get to walk at that hour, but I poked my kids once before I left, telling them "be up when I get back," and then left. A half hour later, when I came back in, they both were awake and getting up. hm.

Today's Plan

B: potato pile w/ketchup & mustard
L: nuked russets w/cauliflower dip topping and fresh veggie stix
D: samosa potatoes; romaine lettuce yum! LOOOOVE samosa! slurp!

activity: 30 min walk and running around after clients at work.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:28 am
by kirstykay
Your walk sounds absolutely heavenly!! I'm jealous. I live in Illinois....completely FLAT!!!!!

Have a great day! Day 8; the home stretch!! Can't wait to see your results on the scale...although, you're already seeing your non-scale results: renewed focus, energy, etc....You're doing amazing!!!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:51 pm
by bunsofaluminum
wiped out. Had a good day, though a long one. Eating was good all day long. thank goodness for microwaves.

ooh, and whoever recommended eating just romaine lettuce plain and not worry about the dressing was SO RIGHT. It is quite yummy plain, or with a little salt and garlic powder on it. :nod:

dry cough driving me absolutely batty. I hope I can sleep...and I'm going to go try NOW.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:42 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Good day today. It was "spring rainy"...that is, though the sky was overcast and rain fell, it was not cold. It was SO refreshing, the rain steadily falling, and even turning misty at one point. It made everything smell so good. I think the moisture from the fine rain must have carried the scent of blossoms in trees, down closer to the earth, where it could just saturate the air...SUCH a blessing.

Eating-wise, i did wonderful. Baked an ovenful of potatoes, both russet and red, to finish off the mini. I had a stir fry of mushrooms, onion, garlic and spinach over my lunch tatties...I think I need to be really careful with onions...Diarrhea again. :(

Tomorrow is my LAST DAY OF MINI and I weigh on Thursday. And I eat OATMEAL ON THURSDAY! YAYAYAYAAAY! AND QUINOA! and rice. and lentils (maybe) and Banana Ice Cream

Activity: a 30 min walk around a park nearby, and an adjacent block. I walked a figure 8. :) One city mile. It feels pretty good to get out walking again.

The park was busy, with a ball game in every corner, and lots of little kids, families, bikes, dogs, couples, grammas and grampas, etc. I noticed the houses, and saw two empty ones that looked so lonesome, I prayed for families with joyful people to come live in them. I carried my Victoria's Secret umbrella, but didn't need it.

And, after my walk, I went and found a tutu for my Naked David. That was fun. It looks good with the superman cape.

Tomorrow's Plan: baked potato with toppers and baked potato with salad and baked potato with mustard and ketchup (you cut a baked potato in quarters lengthwise, and you have INSTA FRIES.) (the only problem being, this is so yummy with hot mustard, I end up using the fries merely as vessels for bringing the mustard to my mouth...yes, I eat more potatoes when hot mustard is dipped)

I still want to make samosa, and I'm sure it'll be okay to use potato that has already been baked for that. But I can't think of potatoes right now. REALLY glad tomorrow's the last day.

then I weigh :unibrow:

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:08 am
by bunsofaluminum
Oh, Good Lord, this cough is getting me. Went to bed at 9:00 last night and was still awake at 11:30, coughing. When I put my head on my pillow, it got bad. Must have slept, but woke again at 12:30 and got up. Sat up in the front room, not coughing, sleeping wrapped in blankets until 2:00. Back to bed and slept (but not before one last paroxysm as soon as I went horizontal) until my alarm, then about one hour more.

now this is strange. During the day yesterday, I was coughing on and off and definitely feeling throaty. Tried not to speak much at work. But it really didn't bother me much. Like the tickle or raw feel in my throat wasn't as strong, as long as I was busy or distracted. Home from work, the tickle got downright annoying as long as I tried sitting in silence. If I got up to do anything, including a 30 min walk, and a 20 min weed pulling session...nothing. Not a single tickle, not a cough.

Okay, so sitting still brought it on. Why, then, wasn't it bad in the middle of the night, as long as i was sitting up? I sure wasn't doing housework or taking walks at 1.00 am. Just sitting there, NOT COUGHING. But i'm sitting here right now, and the cough is on.




B: ugh not hungry...will eat Late Breakfast
LateB: baked potato wedges w/hot mustard and ketchup; oranges
L: baked potato chunks w/romaine lettuce
D: samosa filling, romaine, maybe do lettuce wraps?

activity: at least 30 min neighborhood prayer walk

The sun is just coming up, touching the tips of the leaves, lightening the face of Mt Ben Lomond to the north (I can see him glowing in the light...SUCH a beautiful mountain) It is going to be a wonderful day. cool air, sunshine, and breezes! :)

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:26 am
by kirstykay
Enjoy your LAST DAY!!!!!!! Congratutulations on finishing well! You totally triumphed this Mini!!!!! I can't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow! Have a glorious day!!!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:27 am
by raven
Hi Heidi. Congratulations on making it through all 10 days of your MM. Looks like it gave you an appreciation of other food that maybe you didn't have as strongly. I think that's a good thing.

I'm excited to find out what you weigh, but more importantly, if you can tell with a cold, do you feel any better? spirit, energy, strength?

Didn't you just have a cold last month? Recover quickly!
Take care.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:26 am
by Anna Green
Hey, congrats on your mini! You sound good. Loved your description of the rain.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:18 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Hi there, everyone.

Raven, I did have a head cold a few months ago, but this isn't a virus. I lit some incense last week, Monday I think, and it got me coughing, so I put it out...and have been coughing ever since. I must have irritated the tissues of my lungs.

otherwise, I do feel fantastic. I feel so light, and have good energy and cheer. I'm really excited to weigh tomorrow.

Breakfast, then. I couldn't eat before I left for work, so I grabbed a large baked red, some spinach, and a couple of oranges, cut in quarters. I split the red in half and it occurred to me how strange it might look to someone in another vehicle, say at a red light, to look over and see me eating a potato out of hand...except, the way I had split it, the thing looked like a bagel! ha! I must say, a baked red potato, the next day, not heated up or anything...SO delicious! Especially that first bite...mmmm. But what a strange brekkie: baked red potato, a few leaves of spinach (it tasted too salty for me this morning) and two oranges, slurped down a quarter at a time.

Another thing I've been doing this week, though it doesn't correlate with the Mini, is walking. I can feel it in my thighs, just a bit. 30 min a day, just in regular neighborhoods, not pushing myself, just enjoying the outside.

Today, after dropping kids to school, I had a few minutes, so I parked in the neighborhood where the school is, got out and spent 20 min walking. The air was so beautiful, fresh-scrubbed from yesterday's rain, with the sun just was brilliantly clear. As I walked, two quail hustled under a spruce tree ahead of me. Always, with the birds. Then I heard a pheasant. Mind you, I'm in a regular subdivision that's been here for at least 30 years.

Walked down one side of the street, with the sun behind me. My shadow was tall and skinny! Like...really skinny. Prayed for the houses and families living in them. Then walked back up the street, facing into the sun and I saw him...that pheasant I'd heard! He flew down into the street and walked a little way, then launched into the air again. Two quail and a pheasant. On a regular neighborhood street. Hm.

Got a chance to walk again, with Mr S, who places flyers for Domino's. Such a cute neighborhood. Another little pocket of sweetness in O-town. Ogden, UT has a reputation for drugs and gangs (it's a well earned rep, I might add) but there are so many sweet neighborhoods, with charming yards and front porches, and right now with lilacs blooming and fruit trees in blossom...just sweet, through and through.

And at Junk Food Client's house I did dishes. It was like doing the dishes when you're out camping: heat up the water, pour into the dishpan, add soap, mix with cold so you don't scald yourself. Their dishwasher broke down about a month before their kitchen faucet exploded. They don't have the wherewithal to get it fixed right now, so mom has been doing the dishes in the bathroom sink. Then she got sick. She hasn't been able to do the dishes for about a week I'd say. To feed Mr E, I had to wash a fork that I fished out of the bathroom sink, from under a stack of bowls...

well, I just did them. She was asleep, dad was watching a movie with my client...about an hour's worth of work and it felt SO GOOD to get it done!

So, for activity I got 20 min sunrise walk, 45 min Domino's walk, and 60 min Extreme Dishes. :)

and now it's bedtime. I'm going to try sleeping in the easy chair in my bedroom since lying down last night had me hacking until 11:30 and again at 1:00. Maybe sitting up, I won't get coughing quite so bad. It was really bad.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:24 am
by bunsofaluminum
hmph. not a pound lost.

But that's okay. I put on size 14 jeans today :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

and zipped them up (had to lie down for that, but hey not that long ago, I was having to lie down to zip up size 18's, you know?)

and after I got those size 14's on, I flipped off my scale. Yup. I did.

and now my day is upon me. I posted at more length at the MM thread in MWL forum.

take care, all. I might be able to get online at work today.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:35 am
by kirstykay

SIZE 14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about your cough. I hate those...the minute your head hits the pillow, it starts, and when you finally do dose off, it wakes you! Yuck! I had a cough like that this winter and the one thing that helped me sleep was vapor rub. I don't know why it worked, but it was a charm...Well, I have to admit, my DH made me a hot totty every night before bed and those didn't hurt, either! ;-) (Those were my pre-McDougall days, just to be clear!)

Your day sounds so wonderful! You are full of joy and peace. I am really happy for you! I love the way you describe your walks, I can practically smell the air and see the birds. :)

Hope you have a GREAT day eating non-MM foods. Beans, and rice, and grains, oh my!!! It's been great walking with you through the last 10 days! Keep up your awesome and inspiring-nes!