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Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:49 pm
by Chile
Your freezer contents sound tasty! Do you store the vodkas in there because they keep better or because they are to be served icy?

I've been eating more hashbrowns for breakfast lately in a conscious effort to make some room in the freezer, knowing I'd be getting a boatload of fresh peppers to freeze. I've still got lemon juice ice cubes from cleaning a friend's neighbor's tree off over a year ago plus, of course, my annual purchase of roasted green chiles. I love, love, love my chest freezer but have to admit it's a PITA to get to the stuff in the bottom!

Oh, here's a question for to get you thinking. You've mentioned you're planning a move. Have you started thinking about eating down your freezer goods? They'd be very difficult to keep frozen while moving! Maybe you do need to do that two-month not leaving the house thing... :D

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:12 pm
by Anna Green
Awww, a girl after my own heart! 1st you answer my nosy question and not half-assed I must say. You really gave it! And you make me want to go shopping for veggies and stuff. Ok, not really. It's the flavored vodkas I want. Or I could just do an "act of kindness" and go help you clean out your freezer. :wink:

Really it was your last post that most impressed. It made me remember why I want to continue eating well. Feeling great is the best motivation isn't it?

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:16 am
by nomikins
Chile wrote:Your freezer contents sound tasty! Do you store the vodkas in there because they keep better or because they are to be served icy?

Yes, to keep them icy cold. I made the strawberry vodka (more of a cordial).

Chile wrote:Oh, here's a question for to get you thinking. You've mentioned you're planning a move. Have you started thinking about eating down your freezer goods? They'd be very difficult to keep frozen while moving! Maybe you do need to do that two-month not leaving the house thing... :D

Fortunately, the potential move is far, far, farrrrrr off into the horizon. We should be good to eat all the grub well before that is an issue. :D

Anna Green wrote:Awww, a girl after my own heart! 1st you answer my nosy question and not half-assed I must say. You really gave it! And you make me want to go shopping for veggies and stuff. Ok, not really. It's the flavored vodkas I want. Or I could just do an "act of kindness" and go help you clean out your freezer. :wink:

I have close to a gallon of assorted acts of kindness you could assist with. :unibrow:

Anna Green wrote:Really it was your last post that most impressed. It made me remember why I want to continue eating well. Feeling great is the best motivation isn't it?



OK, Anna and Fuellen, I just stumbled upon an amazing discovery for me. The acute cough plaguing me for the past week plus was not being very responsive for very long with OTC cold/cough meds. Doing some online research today for home remedies for bronchitis, I saw a few references to using turmeric (since bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchii). I use turmeric as a muscular anti-inflammatory after long runs and heavy yardwork. So, I took a ½ tsp. in about half a small glass of water and slammed it like doing a shot of tequila or something. Well, OMG, I have barely coughed in about four hours! From not being able to talk to barely coughing. Give it a try; your mileage may vary.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:37 am
by Dendra
I use turmeric as a muscular anti-inflammatory after long runs and heavy yardwork. So, I took a ½ tsp. in about half a small glass of water and slammed it like doing a shot of tequila or something. Well, OMG, I have barely coughed in about four hours! From not being able to talk to barely coughing. Give it a try; your mileage may vary.

Wow, I'll have to try that the next time. I have had bronchitis 'issues' forever. It's why my parents first brought us to the California desert decades ago.

Chile, you said you get lots of chiles and freeze them. I grow and fire roast my own, and used to freeze them too. But my freezer is very full this year with all the produce I've been processing, so I tried dehydrating my peeled chiles this year. Worked like a charm. They don't re-hydrate to the same texture as frozen ones, but if you use them in a stew or 'lasagna', the dried ones work great. If you have a dehydrator, you might try a few as an experiment.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:08 pm
by nomikins
Making Better Choices...

I gave myself a good old catholic guilt trip about using the Annie's Sesame Shiitake dressing on my green bean stir steam. After reading the label I came to my senses. A two tablespoon serving is 120 calories. And calories from fat? Well, that would also be 120. So, yes my friends, that is 100% fat. So, yeah, no brainer to not ingest it.

But now I have to pour out a food service size bottle of the stuff. Please hold my hand as I pour a lot of money down the drain. And I hate to waste. I know it's for the best.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:16 pm
by Chile
No, stop! Many halfway houses and domestic abuse shelters will take open food containers.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:34 am
by nomikins
Hmmm, I am buying some items to donate to a local place. I'll see if they will take it when I deliver the food. Thanks for that tip!

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:38 am
by nomikins
OOPSIE. Nomikins had some beer last night at a show in Carrboro. That further deteriorated into potato chips, and then pizza. :oops:

Well, just time to pick myself, dust myself off, and start all over again in the beautiful morning light of a new day.

Pinto beans are soaking and I'm imagining what soup I'll be making for later.

We have some potential buyers coming to look at FIL's townhouse this evening. Fingers crossed.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:07 am
by bunsofaluminum
awww, too bad :( but WONDERFUL that you are immediately back on track :)

keep on going. Let's get er done. I want to catch up and get to 175 like you...don't you be eating stupid stuff and catch up to MY 182ish pounds, now. Y'hear? Image

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:15 am
by nomikins
bunsofaluminum wrote:awww, too bad :( but WONDERFUL that you are immediately back on track :)

keep on going. Let's get er done. I want to catch up and get to 175 like you...don't you be eating stupid stuff and catch up to MY 182ish pounds, now. Y'hear? Image

Yes, ma'am! :nod:

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:44 am
by Anna Green
Me too. Back on it as well. Like you I have food cooking. It's always the first thing I do when I am trying to eat well.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:40 am
by nomikins
I'm struggling and it sucks. There is no need to make this so difficult. Got through breakfast and lunch yesterday, no problem. Then we got the lack of preparedness and STARVATION feeling after driving 50 miles to a friend's house to drop off some furniture w gave to her. Then, we had to go to FIL's house and show to a prospective buyer. By now, it's 8PM, and we are both exhausted, and did I mention STARVING? So, off to the little pub in town. Well, only had one pint of beer, so that was good. My dinner was a fried catfish sandwich and french fries. It was interesting in that this did not taste as good to me as it used to. My fervent hope was for an acute case of Mcdougall's revenge, but all I got was a slight bit of stomach discomfort.

So, I need to focus myself today, plain and simple. I see my triggers coming into bright focus. Being VERY hungry and not being prepared is number one to pay attention to for me today. It's a big yardwork day around here so I'm going to have a hearty lunch ready to go before I set fooot out the door. Dinner, too.

Onward I march.....

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:10 am
by Dendra
I see my triggers coming into bright focus. Being VERY hungry and not being prepared is number one to pay attention to for me today.

Spot on. Same here. I am also cooking today to make sure there is lots of good stuff on hand. Garbanzos are already cooking. When I allow myself to get really, really hungry, I will eat anything that comes along - just like our primitive ancestors who were more concerned about preventing starvation than eating the right balance of foods. This is not totally a 'will-power' issue.

It's only the past century or so that man has had great choice in what he ate. So instead of vainly trying to buck hard-wired ancestral heritage, I preplan if possible. When I know I am going to be away from 'my food' for any length of time, I carry more or less acceptable food with me. Even a snack can help - both mentally and physically. :)

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:58 am
by janluvs2heel

I, too, was struggling a bit, the last couple days. I wondered if it was because I barely ate on Friday, due to all the stuff going on the board. It made me sick. Then yesterday all I could think about was food, & not McDougall food. But I managed to avoid the stuff that I wanted & lived to tell about it today. :lol: It was the 1st time in quite a while I have had cravings for offplan food.

Today is a new day. I notice I do not have those cravings today, thank goodness.

Hopefully today you can rest & have a day for you. Calm those cravings with good McDougall food!! I am hoping that they are gone for both of us!!

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:58 pm
by nomikins
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Dendra and Jan. Simple, yet profound truths from both of you.

Today was a better day. It was a big yardwork day, and I made sure I had both lunch and dinner prepared before I set foot outside. Turns out that we never ate lunch, just kept working. And, it was ok. Just like we were talking about a few weeks ago, sometimes you can go for hours and hours and not feel the need to eat. And I was working my butt off. We have a large property and the leaves really got ahead of us. Working until dark, DH and I methodically and laboriously worked through a list of big tasks. I was on the move ALL day. It felt great, and I only stopped to get a drink of water.

We use the leaves for mulch in the garden beds, and we have aged manure from our neighbor's horses. I love to put the garden to bed with a nourishing cover of organic material.

Dinner was a welcome meal after we cleaned ourselves up. I made shepherd's pie with pinto beans mixed with broccoli cuts and salsa, topped with mashed sweet potatoes that were mixed with nut. yeast, cumin and garlic powder. Topped the whole thing with three tablespoons of panko bread crumbs for a crunch factor.

Now to relax and recharge. I feel much better and look forward to a great week. Wishing you all the best!