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Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:10 am
by Morris
Sept 7, 2019

I feel more rested than yesterday, but I am still tired. I also need to go for a run today, I think I have not run at all this week. I was just too busy. The weather is now getting cooler and so my morning runs will be in cooler weather. I am a wimp in cold weather, so It may be time for the treadmill runs. Either way, I need to get my exercise back on track.

A lady from my running class wants to do the half marathon with me in April. I have been toying with the idea of doing that distance again. It'll be fun doing it with someone instead of solo. I'll see how I feel about it in a couple of months. my mom has been approved for an apartment in the compound where my dad is, and she will sign the paper next week and she should be able to move in anytime after that. I think things will be a bit better, bot timewise and emotionally for all of us. Plus they will both be in town and make it easier for my siblings to visit them.

Yesterday I ate:
oatmeal with flaxseed, cherry berry blend, and pineapple

onion, green pepper, potato, salsa and garlic and kale

Hubby's blood pressure is too high and he was told to lose weight - his buddy, who is a retired nurse, told him that as people age they need to eliminate grains and eat more meat. Okay, whatever. I was also told when I started my weight loss journey, at age 50, that at my age it was not good for me to lose weight and I ought to stay fat. Okay, whatever.

I am thinking if both hubby and I can eliminate just the junk food: white flour, sugar = cookies, candy, chips, etc. We would both meet our goals. I find it interesting how, when people talk about what to eat, that the refined and overly processed stuff never seem to be the problem, it is often grains that are blamed. Even if hubby keeps the meat in his way of eating, if we can both work on and focus on what else goes on our dinner plate - starches and vegetables - we could both be successful.

I think I am beginning to understand the mindset that if you think it is okay to have something (aka moderation) that you will eat it and eventually you will eat more and more of it. (Chapter 12 How to Eat in the China Study) Plus if you plan for it into your daily meals, then rather than focusing of you can eat you want of the good stuff, you'll start to feel like you are deprived because of the limiting of certain foods. I think that has been what has been going on im my head lately.

Well, time for me to start my day -
I am gping to be planning on eating something with potatoes, corn and zucchini

But first, I am going to go for a run.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:07 am
by Morris
Sept 8 2019

Yesterday morning's run felt so good to do. I missed a week and there was only 2 runs scheduled, a long run of 7.75 miles and a tempo run of 2.75. I checkd the weather and my app said rain was to start in 59 minutes. So, I chose the tempo run. I managed to do the whole distance without having to take a walk break, with the exception of when I went toward the lake and saw a dog walking around. I stopped short and then just turned around at that point.

For some reason dogs scare me more than the wild critters that I may encounter. Speaking of critters, this morning I looked out the door and saw a deer walking around my driveway. At first, I thought, "How cool it would be to just sit and have my coffee watching her. Then reality set in, not cool, because next year if I plant greens in my garden I don't want deer roaming the yard. I then discovered another one over by the treeline and that one was younger and curious about me. It just stood there staring at me and I am out there waving my arms to let it know I was there. I even let the dog out and the young thing just stood there. Our dog is a chug and is as blind as a bat. She did not see the deer, just walked around barking and doing her business. All the while, that little deer is just staring.

Yesterday, I ate:
riced cauliflower, oatmeal, pineapple, cherry berry blend and flaxseed

onion, boiled potato, zucchini, corn and beets -- oh my, oh my, was that yummy!

MY snacking was choccolate zucchini cake - not compliant but a 'grate" way for me to use up some zucchini. I should use the Adoni cake recipe instead and use whole wheat flour. But, while I am working on not eating potato chips, this is a good alternative for me because it is made by me and I know what ingredients are in it. That, and the fact that I can stop after one piece.

Hubby had a friend visit yesterday, they were sitting at the table having their SAD breakfast, his friend was talking about the Starch Solution and how one can eat as much as they want and not gain weight becuase the starch will fill you up. He asked me if that is what I ate: starch and vegetables. I replied with yes, but I eat way too much junk food.

Hubby expressed his frustration with the differences in the 'findings' with the studies being done about what is good for you and what is not. Appartently he read somewhere that one should be eating 3 eggs a day. That and his nurse friend telling him that one needs to eat more meat - So that convinces him he needs to keep that in his eating plan. But if I tell him about the China Study and how T. Colin Cambell learned through his research that animal protein can turn on the cancer genes and cause cancer to progress, that will fall on deaf ears. But, when we drive home from town, we pass this billboard that says, "Eat your steak. Wear your furs. It's the American way."

Unfortunately, if one looks on the grocery store shelves, steak is not really the problem. It is the overly processed so-called food that is the problem. A few years ago, when I'd attend school events, I was not seeing the weight issue with the children, but now everywhere I go, I see overweight children. Most of the time, these children are accompanied by overweight parents. And it is mostly younger children. When I dropped GD1 off at high school the other day, I was not seeing the issue so much in the kids that age. Oh, the health problems this younger generation will face because we are not cooking and eating at home. It makes me concerned for my grandchildren.

The solution is simple: "Eat food, mostly plants, and not too much."

What I plan to eat today:
small piece of cake - had it with my coffee -

riced cauliflower oatmeal, pineapple, cherry berry blend and flax seed

onion, green pepper, potato, zucchini, corn and beets

I am finding that I am only eating 2 meals a day because I am eating my breakfast so late in the day. So far this week, my weight has been holding steady - it's been the same every morning. (I guess that means I am not eating too much of that cake).

Exercise: not sure what I want to do. I did not drink enough yesterday, so I do not want to do that long run today. Plus I still have areas of the yard that need to be mowed, I still have to fill in the washout areas of the driveway -- that is exercise. This is why I cannot follow the plan or any plan for that matter, I cannot decide what I want to do even on day to day basis. And menu planning was always a struggle for me, UGH! I cannot wait til winter and I can slow down and maybe, just maybe get a routine established.

Have a great day!

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:09 am
by Morris
Sept 9, 2019
Well, my weight is holding steady, I am glad that I am not gaining, I could be content with where I am right now except for the fact that I read Jeff's answer about BMI in his column and in order to protect myself from disease, I ought to get a lower BMI number. Not by much, but I think if I go for 'my' ideal weight number I should be where I want to be.

I went to the ideal weight calculator web page, the one that gives 5 different calucualtions, averaged out the numbers for me and came up with a number that is about 4-1/2 pounds lighter than I am right now. I am already lower than my teenage/young adult weight, so to lose more, I think I will really need to tweak my diet. If I just stop snacking/binging on the junk food, I know I can do it. That weight is where I was before my mom had her surgery and almost died last summer. Then my dad fell and had to have surgery on his neck. Then my parents selling the house, etc. MY eating went out of whack and I gained 10 pounds during my frustration stage. However, I lost 5-1/2 of that gain back.

The hardest part is getting my mindset to where it ought to be. I make too many excuses and don't have enough care about what I eat. I think I heard or read some one say knowledge is power. But just having knowledge is useless unless you put it into action. I am working on that.

Yesterday, I ate:
riced cauliflower oatmeal with pineapple, cherry berry blend, and flax seed

onion, green pepper, potato, zucchini, corn, beets and kale -- I made this dish juat as D2 and her family stopped over, so I had to share. D2 actually ate 2 helpings. Her SO, who hates vegetables and rarely eats them, had a small bowl but just ate the potatoes and some of the corn out of it.

They stayed for "game night" - SO created a board game and we are playing it to fine tune all the details of the play. They all got hungry and so it was pizza and pizza rolls - I ate none of that. I was not even tempted. But by the bedtime came around, I was hungry and ended up eating penutbutter and jelly bread x 3 - I should not have had 3 pieces of bread, but it was a different brand than what we ususally buy and it was so soft and I couldn't stop myself. I am glad I stopped at 3, I usually do 4 - so that is a positive for me.

What i plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal, pineapple, cherry berry blend and flaxeseed

I want some more of that onion potato corn and beet dish, but hubby is home and if I have another of the same, it will trigger his "I want to go out and eat" - So, I have to think about what I want to make. Perhaps mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy.

It is another gloomy day and wet. I wanted to go for my long run this morning, but I don't want to get wet. So, Idon't even know what Iam going to do for my exercise. I woke up tired again - I am going to stop now before I get negative and at least read another chapter of the China Study.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:49 am
by Morris
Sept 10,2019

I weighed myself this morning - down a bit, but then I went for a long run yesterday (almost 8 miles) and watched what I ate. But, I still have to admit that I eat too much bread and peanut butter.

What I ate yesterday:
riced cauliflower, oatmeal, pineapple, cherry berry blend, flaxseed, cinnamon

Asian Vegetable Stir Fry Mix vegetable blend
mashed garlic potatoes

12 grain bread with peanut butter and jelly x 3

small piece of chocolate zucchini cake

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower, oatmeal, pineapple, cherry berry mix, blueberries, flaxseed, cinnamon

Lentil chili
(Maybe cornbread - not sure if I have the cornmeal in cupboard)

salad - romaine, sweet kale mix, beets and radishes

Yesterday, I did the long run that was scheduled in my Nike Run Club for last week. I set the app to do updates based upon how I log in my workouts. It changed it on me and now I have a speed workout to do. I should take a rest day. I may go to where I used to work out in the gym because I want to start doing some weight training. Plus that place had a tether board (where you secure your ankles and hang upside down) I want to do that again to get a good stretch.

I ran on the bike trail that starts at a state park near me. I went almost 4 miles before I turned around. When I had about 3 miles to go, I said to myself - I talk a lot to myself when I run alone on trails just to make noise - "I sure hope it doesn't rain before I get back." I guess you know I ran the last couple of miles in the rain. I did my cool down walk in the rain, stood under a tree and stretched a bit. Then it began to downpour, so I went to the rest room building to finish stretching. I had a mirror to check my form - haha. It then rained or rather, downpoured, the rest of the day. This sure has been a wet season.

It was a gloomy day and so I just relaxed. NOw, today, it is time to get some stuff done. I still have more zucchini to shred or eat - 3 plants and they produced so much that I cannot keep up with it. I shred it and freeze in 2 cup measurement and use it for baking and/or pancakes.

A friend of mine, one that I met in running class, wants to go on a hike in camping trip with me. I am so excited. We talked about it a week ago and I sort of blew it off because I did not think she was serious. But she contacted me yesterday and right now we are planning on it, but are waiting a bit to see what the weather forcast will be.

Well, the lentils that I am going to use for the chili are almost done. Time to get my meals prepped for today so that it'll be done so I will have it ready when I am ready for a break in my chores.

Have a great day!

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:35 am
by Morris
Sept 11, 2019

Well, it did it to me again, I typed a nice long post and when I hit submit, I was taken to the log in page. Even though I made sure I was logged in before I started typing. I does this to me whenever I take too long to type my post. It is like I time out or something. But, I notice that it often happens when I am venting. I was venting this morning in my other post. D1 stopped by yesterday and that, in and of itself, always puts me on a rollercoaster ride in my emotions. But for the grandchildren's sake, I do not say anything.

We saw GS1, it has been a while since we last saw him, he has grown so much. He is the one that has epilepsy. We also had a good visit with GD1. GD1 took some driving lessons with her grandpa and then had a friend come and get her. Her friend saw me pick a huge zucchini. I asked her if she wanted to take one home. She said she did not know how to cook it. I told her that she could make cake with it. So, she tried the chocolate zucchini cake and was totally amazed that she could not even tell the zucchini was in it. Yes, I am still making and eating that cake. I really need to make it more compliant with this WOE.

I made the lentil chili yesterday. It is from a Venison chili recipe I found in a Cooking LIght magazine over 10 years ago. It is my favorite chili recipe and it works well using lentils. I have some extra lentils make that I will make another batch but switch the beans and use black beans and add some corn and maybe, some potato to that batch.

I am getting closer to following my meal plan, but I still need to add being committing to actually following what I am planning to eat. I find it takes me quite a bit of time when I actually do make what I am planning. I really enjoy cooking, but have so many other things that I have to get done that it is hard for me to work it into my day. I also find that we don't like to eat the same meal (other than breakfast) for more than 2 days. So, when I plan I need to only plan for 2 days at a time. Some day, I want to get some of those reuseable freezer to microwave dishes and do freezer meals. I used to do that all the time and it was so nice to have something ready to cook at a moment's notice. It helped me not grab something whenever we were out and about.

Well, I have to go to town today, there will be a "care" meeting for my dad, my mom needs to have a blood draw (she is susceptible to having blood clots and is taking Coumidin (spelling?), then she will talk to the people at the assisted living place so she will be able to move in and be closer to my dad. She will be able to walk from one building to the other to visit him whenever she wants and not have to wait for some one to drive her.

I already had my coffee, will go for a quick run, I will have some leftover chili and maybe a salad before I leave. Have a great day!

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:46 am
by Morris
Sept 12, 2019
I had a fitful night sleep. Another thunder storm, my poor dog is terrified of thunder, so I got up to comfort her. Poor thing just trembles whenever there is thunder. At the normal time I ususally get out of bed, I decided to see if I could fall back asleep for just a few minutes. 3 hours later I woke up. I guess hubby even checked on me. I was out. It felt good to sleep in, I think my body was telling me it was time for a rest.

My dad had his care conference, which was just a summary of the care he has received this past month - or rather 2 weeks after he was admitted. There were a few issues and/or concerns that we had and even after being discussed, my mom wouldn't let it go and kept complaining about it. Sheesh! woman, you just made them aware of the situation, give them an opportunity to try to correct the situation. Now, if nothing is done in these next few days, then go on with your complaint.

We signed the papers for mom to move into the assisted living complex. As the manager of the unit was going over the lease, my mom was looking like she was ignoring the lady. When asked if she understand or had any questions, she replied she understood and had not questions. We get into the car and she stated that she is so confused. I can easily see how overwhelmed one can be with all the information being given, but if she did not understand something she should have said so and/or asked questions.

I only ate two meals yesterday:
lentil chili

green curry vegetable dish with white rice - from a resturant - it had onion green pepper, broccoli, mushroom, potato in a lot of coconut green curry sauce.

Cheerios - we were just getting ready to go leave for hubby's doctor appointment and he wanted to eat in town so I had Cheerios so i'd be hungry when we got to town - but just as I finished he got word his appointment was canceled. BUMMER I could have had a much better and more sustaining choice.

I am going to make another batch of lentil chili - but ithe balck beans, corn and potatoes.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:42 am
by Morris
Sept 14, 2019
I am getting up and sipping my coffee just as the sun is peaking over the trees. It looks like I might get to see some sunshine today. It has been so gloomy these past couple of days that I have decided to look for one of those "happy" lights, (the lights they use to mimic sunshine). They have a few of them at our public library and last winter I used them while waiting for hubby's meeting to end.

GS2 is here this weekend. He and hubby have such a bond. It is good for the both of them to spend the time together. But D2 and her SO and GD2 went camping. So GS2 is missing out on family time with them. GS2 has special needs and hubby had the same issues when he was a child, so he relates to him better than the rest of us.

We try to do crafty things with him, but getting him off the electronics sometimes becomes an issue. I cut my computer time down to just in the morning and will listen to youtube videos when I try to rest in the afternoon. Yesterday, I had to log onto the computer to check to see if a bill was paid, and then started surfing right after. After 10 minutes, I realized how quickly time can fly by when on the internet. I immediately shut down my computer. Internet and TV (aka you tube videos) can really be a time waster if one is not careful.

Thursday, I did my volunteer work at Share a Meal and gave in to temptation and ate Doritos and brownies. Now, I feel bleh, even though it has been a couple of days. Man, that stuff stays in your system for days. But, on the positive, I have not been buying candy bars and chips even though I had some opportunity to do so.

Hubby asked me to buy him some kettle chips, but we came to an agreement not to have it in the house. So, that means if we get a craving for something, we have to go to town to buy it unless the little country store has what we are wanting. Either way, we'd have to make a special trip. We did this in the past, not only did we not have the stuff readily available, but we also ate less of it because we were not buying a huge bag of it, only bought the amount we were going to eat.

I am almost finished reading the China Study, I have 1 chapter to go. I am reading the first edition and wonder how much information has been updated with any new findings in the science since it was first written. Ever since I started reading this book and started getting my mindset on changing how I eat, hubby has started eating meat almost daily -- man, does that stuff stink up the house and the smell lingers for hours. PHEW!

I made that lentil chili with the black beans, corn and potatoes. Adding those extra ingredients took away from the spices, so I'll need to up the spices a bit the next time I do that combination. I had some the other day with a salad (romaine and beets)

What I plan to eat today:
lentil chili

Spaghetti noodle - not sure if I'll do a tomato based sauce or an "alfredo" type, but either way, I'll sneak in some vegetables.


Well coffee is finished, time for me to get movin'. Have a great day and choose to be grateful.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 7:47 am
by MickeysBackyard
Hey Nancy,

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your journal. I'm new to this WOE and it's great to be able to read through other people's experiences.

I feel your husband's frustration. I bet the more research and advice he seeks about nutrition, the worse he's going to feel. It's an endless trap. Even if you look at the peer reviewed literature, the vast amount of "scientific" studies don't use the proper controls and/or have really small statistically insignificant populations.

I'm a firm believer that what is healthiest for any individual has to be a diet of whatever whole foods they feel best eating, that they enjoy, AND that they truly think are healthy. I think you are 100% correct about eliminating the refined products being the most important goal, but your husband may have to go further than that to get his numbers in line. It's not something anyone can predict. I tend to also agree with Dr. McDougall that moderation only gives moderate results, and that the more drastic change the more drastic the results. Some people only need the moderate results to be successful, others need to go further.

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for sharing and that I totally get where your husband is. Hope he finds what works for him, and that you can continue having success!!

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:50 am
by Morris
Sept 15, 2019

Accuweather said today was to be more pleasant than yesterday. So, I thought I'd wake up and go for a long run - WRONG! woke up to a foggy mist, I don't feel like running in wet weather. Maybe it will dry a bit once the sun is up and hopefully shining. This has been such a wet summer. Seems like it has been raining every other day. Makes me appreciate the sunshine whenever I do see it shining.

Yesterday's eating was a bust. I decided to shred a zucchini and ended up baking three different recipes: Company muffins (with zucchini, apple, and carrot, craisins and walnuts), Happy Herbivore's Chocolate Zucchini Muffins, and Engine 2's Zucchini Loaf turned into Zucchini Donuts - I added a lemon glaze to it ) Of course, I had some of each.

For lunch I ate some leftover lentil chili, watermeion, and carrots.

Then we went to town, we were going to do mini-golf but the weather was iffy. Instead we went shopping. I ended up grabbing a dark chocolate kit kat bar.

For supper, I ate too much Cheerios with cashew/coconut milk and a zucchini donut

What I plan to eat today:
Chocolate Zucchini muffin and Company muffin

mashed potatoes and gravy
salad: romaine, sweet kale mix and beet

Split pea soup

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:48 am
by Morris
Sept 16, 2019

Well, a sunny day today. Finally, it is so cheery seeing the sun shine again. I got timed out again - and I wasn't even venting on the post that went into cyber land :-)

Yesterday, I chose to go for a run in the fog. It was a dense fog and I chose the route where I had to cross a very busy road. There was a lot of traffic and I was amazed at how many drivers did not turn on their lights - visibilty was less than 1/4 mile. But once I crossed the raod and onto the gravel, I had such a good time running that I did not turn around at my intended spot but kept on going. My 3 mile run turned into 5.5 mles. Then I did a leg routine from Fitness blender. MY legs are feeling it today.

I did not follow my planned menu for yesterday - what else is new? I don't know why I cannot seem to get with it and plan what I want to eat. But then, that has been an issue for me as long as I remember. Sometimes it is like a have an inner rebel in me that says I am not going to stick to the plan and other times it is giving in to what others what to eat.But if I keep on trying, I am hoping that I will eventually be able to plan and then stick to what I plan to eat.

I did not make the split pea soup yesterday, but made Straight Up Food's Corn Chowder instead. I really like the spices she choose for that recipe. It was a bit too brothy for me and I wish I would have added extra potato, but I will know for next time.

What I plan to eat today:
green smoothie
chocolate zucchini muffin

corn chowder
beet - maybe romaine and sweet kale with it

company muffin for snack

mashed potatoes and gravy
stir fry vegetable mix

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:39 am
by Morris
Sept 17, 2019

Well, I am sitting at the dining room table enjoying my coffee while listening to the crickets sing and rain fall. Yes, it is raining again. I managed to get 2 sections of our yard mowed yesterday, But then, we had to go to town and just before we got to our location, my car broke down and was undriveable. Great - 12 miles from home, now what? Fortunately, D2 was free and able to come and get us.

Today, I have to go and help my mom get ready for her move. Even though I told her my car was broke and in the shop she still said, :But I want you to come and help me." Okay, it is 55 mile miles to get there, I'll just do an ultra run and hang up and start now so I get there by tomorrow. SHEESH! Of course, we have a second car but seriously, she did not even ask what happened, her only concern was that I get there to do what she wants me to do.

That is what some of my problem is, I do too much of what others want me to do and do not focus enough of what I need to do for me. Except for when I go for my runs. I heard through the grape vine that D2'a SO has complained that I have time to go for runs but do not have time to take GD2 (age 4) overnight so that they can have a kid-free night.

What I ate yesterday:
green smoothie
muffins - chocolate zucchini and company muffins

corn chowder
peanut butter bread -- only 1 piece this time

Mashed potatoes and gravy
salad: romaine, sweet kale mix, beet, tomato

cheerios - way too many servings, but filled the bowl the same as if I had oatmeal.

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal, cherry berry blend, blueberries and flaxseed

I'll need to pack a lunch: peanut butter sandwich
carrot and celery sticks with hummus
mandarin orange
chewy oatmeal bar -- just in case I am still hungry

corn chowder
chocolate zucchini muffin

No time to exercise today since I need to go and help my mom and be back in time to get my car if it is finished in time. So, I need to get moving . I just hope my mom is not in a crabby mood today because that has such a trickle down effect.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:41 am
by Morris
Sept 18, 2019

Another sleepless night, thunderstorm again - our poor dog, she just trembles when there is thunder. I treied to comfort her, but she is an odd dog in so many of her behaviors. We have had her for a couple years now and for some reason, this past summer she has become super attached to me. The other dog that we adopted also took a couple of years to fully trust us. but, as annoying as this dog is that we have now, it is such a joy to have her around.

I gave in to temptation yesterday, right after I helped my mom. My sister and I were helping her pack and I took a carload of boxes over to the new apartment. It was hot and muggy - 84 degrees F. I stopped at a ice cream shop and had an ice cream cone -- I justified it a it was the end of the season and it was so hot. I confess, I enjoyed it, but I must have been cutting way back on my junk food, because I could really taste the sugar in that ice cream. But today is a new day - a new start.

I am setting October 1 as marking a new start: I am going to attemp to do the exercises in the Beck Diet Solution, (there is a group on Spark People that reads it as a group 2 times a year) I will see how far I get in the book this time. I have yet to actually go through all the days and do the exercises. To give myself credit, I have actually read it through and even journaled on it, so I will review my writings as I go through it again. I think I have started and restarted that pink book about 7 or 8 times now.

It is that to-do list at the end of the day that overwhelms me and that when it comes to day 6, find a coach, that I get overwhelmed with emotion because I have no one that I can confide in to be my coach. It saddens me greatly that I do not have the support of hubby in this journey. Then I get frustrated and ...

My mom wanted to take me out for supper last night - she wanted to get some fried rice so that she would have a couple meals. I ordered the steamed vegetables - I got this huge plate of veggies and a mound of white rice. I tried the garlic sauce. I only used a bit of the sauce - they must have served at least 1 cup of sauce. This place was listed under the "Diet Plate" section and it seemed to me to use all the sauce they serve defeated the definition of "diet". I put enough drizzle on the food to add some "excitement" to it, it was sort of spicy hot to my tastebuds.

For all you who make "overnight" oats - guess who is jumping on the bandwagon with this trend? Quaker Oats is now marketing a thick cut oat for soaking overnight and they are calling it Overnight Oats.

Speaking of oats, I think when I have oats in the morning, I need to have more than what i am eating because it does not seem to fill me up for very long even though I add fruit to it.

Some one posted a link to a book No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet by Rupert Wheldon here is a quote that seemed to have jumped off the page: " However much thou are read in theory, if thou has no practice thou are ignorant." ~ Persian Poet Sa'di.

How many times have I said that I couldn't commit to commitment - well according to that quote If I don't put all this information I read into practice I am ignorant -- OUCH!

The second quote I am focusing on: "Conviction, were it never so excellent, is worthless until it converts itself to conduct. Nay, properly, conviction is not possible until then. Herr Teufelsdrockh.

Well, I have to get moving now, my coffee is finished and I want things to do and not a whole lot of time to get 'er done.

Have a wonderful and productive day! I hope to see sunshine today.

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:57 am
by moonlight
Morris wrote:I am setting October 1 as marking a new start: I am going to attemp to do the exercises in the Beck Diet Solution, (there is a group on Spark People that reads it as a group 2 times a year) I will see how far I get in the book this time. I have yet to actually go through all the days and do the exercises. To give myself credit, I have actually read it through and even journaled on it, so I will review my writings as I go through it again. I think I have started and restarted that pink book about 7 or 8 times now.

It is that to-do list at the end of the day that overwhelms me and that when it comes to day 6, find a coach, that I get overwhelmed with emotion because I have no one that I can confide in to be my coach. It saddens me greatly that I do not have the support of hubby in this journey. Then I get frustrated and ...

Hi Nancy,
Just a thought I had when reading your journal today: Remember you can use all of "us" who read your journal to offer you support and be your "coach". There's a lot of people on this website that would support and give advice. You could put your "To Do" list on here and ask for support. For me, it's amazing how often I think about having to write in my journal my failures and it motivates me to be able to write something positive.

Good luck with your new goals! You always inspire me with your commitment to exercise. :)

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:39 am
by Morris
Sept 19, 2019
Thanks Moonlight. I am hoping that once my parents are settled into their new lifestyle and accept what that is going to be that things will slow down a bit for me and I can get into something that may resemble a routine. One of the thoughts that the Beck Diet Solution attempts to retrain is the "I am sponteneous." and therefore I cannot get into and follow a routined plan.

But, I know from the past that I can create and follow a routine. When we were selling out home, I followed a schedule for keping the house clean so it could be ready for a showing at a moments notice. It worked great and, in reality, it actually took less time in the long run to get everything done. But I have been using that excuse for some time now, I cannot preplan and prepare my meals because I am spontaneous and just go with the flow. If I keep journalling I am hoping for change but I have so much to do and have a hard time estimating how long each chore will take and then it seems like I don't get anything done. Reality check -- I am getting things done, just not at the pace that I would like to see.

I went to town yesterday, hubby had a doctor's appointment. He wanted to go out to eat and agreed to go to that Asian restaurant that I have been going to. I ordered the steamed vegetables again - so yummy, vegetables really have lots of flavor. As we were paying the bill, one of the ladies said, "You were here yesterday, sitting right there (pointing to the table where I sat) with your grandmother.

My grandmother? I was with my mother -- she must have really looked rough. To be fair she is 84 years old, almost died last summer. And it was a busy day for her. We moved a car load of boxes to the new apartment. She will be moved in next Tuesday. At least then she will be able to visit my dad any time she wants and is able.

Speaking of my dad, when we went to visit he was just finishing up his physical therapy and he met his goal of sitting on the edge of the bed, by himself, for 10 minutes. He made it to 10 minutes and 30 seconds. The therapist was amazed and said that time goal is not usually met so quickly.

What I plan to eat:
oatmeal, cherry berry blend, blueberries, pineapple and flaxseed

No clam chowder

wheat bread
no clam chowder

Re: Journal of my journey

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 7:27 am
by Morris
Sept 21, 2019
Another restless night again, more thunderstorms. Man, this has been a stormy summer. I am hoping that it is not a prequisite for the winter because if it snows like it has been raining, I cannot imagine how deep that snow would be. One year when it was transitioning from fall to winter and the temperature were flucuating, a storm came through and it was switching between rain and snow. Fortunately, the atmosphere was warm enough that it rained because, if I remember correctly, had it snowed we would have had a couple feet of snow.

The other day GD1 came to spend the night and we walked down to the lake. The water level came up to just under the bottom of the dock. That is fairly high compared to past seasons. GD1 is planning to visit with us once a week. She will be 18 in February and she wants to move out of her parents house right away. She says she wants some independence -- but I am sure that there is a lot more to it than that. I remember that when I turned 18, I was packed and out of my house that same day.

D1 called the other day, to verify GD1's plan to spend the night at our place. I still cannot deal with talking to her. I am so upset with the way she and SIL treated us when hubby and I attempted to help them out. I went off plan with my eating, I guess I am now defining "off plan" now as to I ate junk , and lots of it. I am feeling blah now because of it. I am dealing with some emotions going on in my mind right now.

Maybe it is because of this stormy weather - it seems like it has stormed every week. I do not recall so many thunderstorms in one season. And I am just noticing it because I did not get to go camping this summer as I wanted to because whenever I was free to pack up and go thunderstorms were in the forecast. Now, September is half over and I only went camping once.

Speaking of camping a couple through hikers on you tube and this one, Kate Cloud, mentioned that one hike was killed by a tree that had just fallen over the trail and he had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at that time. That is what worries me about camping when thunderstorms are predicted.

Speaking of the through hikers - I stopped watching Second Chance Hiker's, it seems he met some one on the trail and they hiked together for a while, but he got injured when he fell down the mountainside, he was fortunate as he could have suffered some major injuries or death. He actually had it captured as it happened- scary stuff. He had to helocopter rescued out. But, his journey has now become I want to find Little Bee to the point where it is almost like watching some one stalk another hiker and it has turned into "I have to find her'" - I don't like his videos anymore as it is no longer about his journey to lose weight and to finish the trail.

As I am writing this, it is making me aware of how I maybe ought to pay attention to the tone of my journal. Luckily for me though, when I use this board as a sounding off board, I usually end up timing out and all I typed when I hit submit disappears and if I want a post I have to start over.

Back to my McDougall journal - Yesterday, I cooked up the last of one of the 50 pound sacks of potatoes. I made a red curry vegetable dish. But I added some coconut cream to it and I think it was too much - hubby does not because it turned the mixture sweet and creamy. Plus he si so senstive to heat of spices that I usually tone down the curries so that he will be able to eat it with too much suffering - ha! Poor guy!

Well, since it is a gloomy and wet day, I have no idea what is on my agenda for things to get done or what I will be eating. Our watermelon is now ripw enough to eat and those things are huge - I have picked 3 now that weighed over 26 pounds. Haven't picked a 30 pounder yet.

So, what I plan to eat today:

left over potato vegetable curry with rice