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Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:12 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 11
DAY 16

I'm really enjoying this pain free stuff. I want to try taking a walk today, see if that brings up anything. As of right now, I did not take ibuprofen this morning, and I didn't put on my heel cup that I've been wearing for the bone spur in my right foot. Also I think I'm going do "de-hoard" my hoarder house. We have boxes from when we closed our storage unit, and bags full of the stuff that was in our RV when we sold it. I'm going to at least go through the bags.

And you know what? I hope there's no stuff in heaven. Sick of stuff. Too much stuff.

B: frosted mini wheats; oat milk; blueberries
L: quesadilla style; rice and peas; sliced cucumber w. watermelon YUM
S: had some rice snack crackers....meh. Not interesting. I tossed the rest
D: lemon rice soup; sliced tomatoes; pan potatoes (we'll see)

Hashbrowns actually sounds amazing but I don't know, if it isn't crispy like you get when cooking in oil.
EDIT: made hashbrowns w. onion in a non-stick pan, no oil, high medium heat and there was quite a bit of crispy. I'll do it again :nod:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Guidelines for Healthy Eating in MWL book, page 67.
1. Eat until you’re satisfied :mrgreen:
2. Graze
3. Allow time for digestion
4. Chew foods thoroughly
5. Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:17 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 12
DAY 17?

B: frosted mini wheats; oatmilk; blueberries
L: hashbrowns and something...they're my current fave :D
D: Vegan Garlic Alfredo (the Brand New Vegan recipe)

I did take a walk yesterday, went around the block after I got off work. By the time I got back home I was limping slightly, but worlds better than where I was two weeks ago :) I also made a quick grocery run after dinner, since I ate the rest of the hashbrowns for dinner :lol: poor Ole Wylie. Had to replace them for his brekkie.

Work is stressing me today. I'd rather be almost anywhere else. Not going to the office and seeing people...That is to say, still dealing with the stressful stuff, but not having the benefit of getting out of the house, saying hey to folks, etc....I guess the office drama is substantially reduced but that was less of a problem once the new manager took over and I joined a different team. Still...what wouldn't I give to work with disabled adults again. That was the best job. Too bad about the pay.

I've been noticing my tastebuds are changing. Those rice crackers yesterday weren't appealing at all. The snacks and junk food that Wylie has in the house aren't tempting me. Now, I caught myself mindlessly munching rice cakes so I'll have to get a handle on that, but the sweets aren't calling my name or anything else about me. Don't want em.

Made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning. It hasn't budged. Still 242...typical. But again, think about those rice cakes, eh? And keeping my other benefits at the top of my mind. Isn't it wonderful to put on shoes and socks without a heel cup to cushion the bone spur? And wasn't it quite the treat to walk all the way around the block yesterday? Maybe this sort of stressy feeling is just energy needing release. Actually, that sounds dandy. I'll get busy. I should still be able to hear the phone ring for work, right? :lol:

but seriously...gotta figure something out. I'm edgy today.

B: frosted mini wheats; blueberries; oat milk
L: Wendy's Apple Pecan salad without the chicken
D: rice and beans with spinach; fresh garden tomatoes

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :oops: bleu cheese chunks on the salad
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Guidelines for Healthy Eating in MWL book, page 67.
1. Eat until you’re satisfied :mrgreen:
2. Graze
3. Allow time for digestion
4. Chew foods thoroughly
5. Restrict variety


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:41 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 13
DAY 18

B: frosted mini wheats w blueberries; oatmilk
L: lemon rice soup; corn; quesadilla style
S: sugar snap peas YUM
D: Planning on the vegan alfredo as mentioned before ACTUAL Spaghetti with fresh garden tomato, some nooch sprinkled over it, some soy sauce for moisture.

So, I know why I felt edgy. Wylie was getting ready for a honey harvest and needed my help but I hadn't gotten the day off. He was cranky. Anyway, I ended up requesting and getting the afternoon off, and helped him the rest of the day. So glad my manager was okay with me doing it, because she doesn't like granting PTO without a week's advance notice.

It was a great afternoon, exhausting. We extracted about 72 lbs of honey from our three hives. Wylie got started at 9:00 and I was able to join him at 11:00 and we didn't wrap up completely until after 7:00 p.m. And with working hard out in the heat, neither one of us were hungry. WE just guzzled ice water all day and kept on going until we were done. After clean up and showers, we had a light dinner of rice and beans with spinach and a sliced tomato from our neighbor's garden.

I got stung twice, Wylie didn't actually get stung this time. And next time we extract, we're going to protect our work space and keep the bees out. They were all over the place, three times worse than last year. And anyway I found out that it is unlawful in UT to extract honey in a place where bees have access to the honey. We don't have any suitable indoor space for it, so we're going to put up our canopy with screening all around. That will help a LOT.

and, once I got my PTO and helping with the honey harvest, my anxiety went down. My feet were killing me by the end, because this is an entirely standing and walking process, but it felt good. We are going to research the idea of doing a harvest in the springtime and wait until the spring of '22 for our next go at it.

OMG the honey tastes AMAZING. Soooooo delicious.

Now on to an annoyance in the food department. I bought oat milk and didn't check the label. My usual, Oat Planet, is fine. It was the same price as the brand I ended up buying, and I bought that brand because the volume was greater. Half gallon vs, 1.75L ... when I got it home, I saw that safflower oil is in the ingredients. Now I gotta take it back., I'm not going to get the other. I'll just make my own freaking oat milk. Right? I won't be using this oily stuff. :\ but I'll keep one of the containers for storing my own that I make. :nod:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :?
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :?
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Guidelines for Healthy Eating in MWL book, page 67.
1. Eat until you’re satisfied :mrgreen:
2. Graze
3. Allow time for digestion
4. Chew foods thoroughly
5. Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:08 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 14
DAY 19

B: frosted mini wheats w blueberries; oatmilk
L: Creamy vegan garlic alfredo with sun dried tomatoes and spinach, and mushrooms; spaghetti; broccoli
D: nuked potatoes; sugar snap peas; baby carrots

On "eat until just satisfied"...I have been doing this pretty well. Eating just until that "ahhhh" moment when you're slowing down and feeling fed. I never stuff myself at all. Am stopping when full, pushing myself back from the table, setting aside anything leftover for a later meal, etc. But...this often results in my feeling hungry hours before the next meal. Maybe chewing more thoroughly will help that. Meanwhile, I am choosing snacks like sugar snap peas or a nuked potato. Oh and still having a rice cake now and then.

Wylie and I enjoyed some adult beverages last night when I got off work...whew. Haven't had alcohol in a long time and I got pretty giddy. We both did. Fun night :nod: And I "drunk ate" regular spaghetti with some fat free sauce, nooch, chopped garden tomatoes. SO delicious. I'm actually proud of myself for not going off the rails even though my inhibitions were down. I laughed, played, staggered a bit, got a numb nose...and ate pretty much on plan, Starch Solution at least. *proud of me*

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :?
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Guidelines for Healthy Eating in MWL book, page 67.
1. Eat until you’re satisfied :mrgreen:
2. Graze
3. Allow time for digestion
4. Chew foods thoroughly
5. Restrict variety

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:55 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 15
Day 20

B: Frosted mini wheats; oat milk; banana
L: Creamy garlic Alfredo over potato.
D: nuked red potatoes; sugar snap peas: baby carrots

It felt really good to get out of bed this morning and my feet not hurt at all. Not using my heel cup. I was in the habit of taking four ibuprofen every morning and four ibuprofen every night before bed. Because the aches and pains were constant and it’s just nice not dealing with it anymore. I mean if I stood for a long time my feet would hurt if I took a long walk they would hurt but it’s very different having them not hurt just by being feet.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :oops:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:35 am
by bunsofaluminum
Aug 16
Day 21

B: frosted mini wheats; oat milk; blueberries
L: spaghetti w creamy garlic alfredo sauce; broccoli
D: potato; sugar snap peas
S: Gordetti's snack mix :oops:

So, during my PT shift I bought a pack of snack mix from the break room. Not a single serving size, but containing 5 servings. I had more than half of it. COMPLETELY off plan.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :oops:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :oops:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :oops:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :?

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:00 pm
by bunsofaluminum
August 17
Day 21

Going to give this guideline list a go. I'm sure starting each meal with soup and/or salad will turn each meal INTO soup or salad. But at least it will keep me mindful

B: Frosted mini-wheats; oat milk; blueberries
L: creamy vegan alfredo sauce; spaghetti; broccoli
D: Salad w garbanzo beans, seaweed, dill pickle, red onion. (To do a sort of deconstructed fake tuna over greens)

Took a 20 minute walk this morning. Limping by the time I got back.


1) Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. :mrgreen:

2) Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. :mrgreen:

2) Choose fruit for dessert. (or skip dessert) :mrgreen:

3) Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. (probably not there with this one yet. I sprinkle salt, and there's sugar on my breakfast cereal)

4) Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). :mrgreen:

5) Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). :mrgreen:

6) Eliminate any added oil. :mrgreen:

7) Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e. bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. :|

8 ) Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). :mrgreen:

9) Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. :mrgreen:

10) Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). :mrgreen:

CW: 240

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:28 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 19
Day 23?

B: frosted mini-wheats w blueberries; oatmilk
L: quesadilla style; corn
D: salad w. rice and beans (most likely)

The last couple of days for dinner I've used pre-fab salad kits, minus the dressing or any high fat toppings, and added my own stuff such as garbanzos, minced red onion, dill pickle, etc. It turned out absolutely scrumptious on Monday, where I used ingredients that I would use in a fake tuna sandwich spread: garbanzos, onion, seaweed, pickle YUM. I have a rice seasoning blend from the Asian market that added a spike of wasabi to it and it was SOOOOO good.

Yesterday's salad wasn't as good, but I ate it anyway. I think I can do salad for a few days doing it this way. I'mma go back to that fake tuna version.

Now for a little confession. I didn't end up dumping the oily oat milk. I'm using it :| Just couldn't bring myself to dump it. And I know if I return the unopened half gallon, the grocery store will dump it SO I'm just going to toss that one. I honestly feel like I'm slowly poisoning myself with it, seriously. The added oil *feels* icky and dangerous. But that first half gallon is empty now, and I'm going to make oat milk this afternoon. Just my own dang stuff, oats and water. And tossing the other. c'est la vie.

This week, it's been really hard to wake up in the mornings. Can't figure out what's going on. My body clock has a wake up time of 5:00-5:30 and I'm awake, ready for a leisurely hour before breakfast, and then getting to work. Lately though, it's been 6-6:30 and I can't hold my eyes open. Today I've been "sleep working" and I even had a cup of coffee. Haven't walked today or yesterday. I'll get on it tomorrow morning.

and Covid has come close to home, as my sis-in-law has the illness with moderate symptoms, and my brother tested positive as well, but no symptoms. No word from him today so I'm taking it as no news is good news. Hoping that his wife recovers quickly. :( kinda scary, quite a bit freaky.

Now, I'm using this updated checklist. Let's see how it goes.

1) Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.

2) Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, :mrgreen:

2) Choose fruit for dessert. (or skip dessert) :mrgreen:

3) Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. :mrgreen:

4) Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). :mrgreen:

5) Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). :mrgreen:

6) Eliminate any added oil. :oops: Today is the LAST DAY of oily oat milk

7) Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products :mrgreen:

8 ) Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). :mrgreen:

9) Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. :mrgreen:

10) Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). :mrgreen:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:57 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 20
Day 24

B: frosted mini-wheats; blueberries; oat milk
L: Rice and spinach w. fake chicken lemon sauce; handful of chopped romaine hearts
D: Fake tuna salad

This fake tuna salad is DA BOMB. Garbanzo beans and all the stuff you use for fake tuna sandwich spread, over salad greens. It is my dinner now for a while. The dressing I use is balsamic vinegar with dijon or pub mustard, and a drizzle of maple syrup. YUM.

Made a huge bucket of rice yesterday, so now I have my starch ready. I'll still need to nuke potatoes to take with me to my PT job. I'm sure following the guideline to limit variety :nod: it's a LOT simpler to do this when I don't have to decide.

Yesterday we bought a new to us car! took on a DANG car payment, my first ever IN MY LIFE (and I turn 60 in December) since I've paid cash for my cars, and bought REALLY cheap cars (under $3000 every time) and now I'll be signing for a 72 month loan. :eek: We were able to drive the car away from the lot with our down payment, and got the paperwork started at the bank. It will be ready to sign today, and I'll go do that during my lunch hour.

I like the old MWL guidelines, so I'll go back to those, and adding four from the updated version. Also including two from the Healthy Eating.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :| that oat milk...haven't gotten my homemade done yet :(
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :mrgreen:
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :?

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:03 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 21
Day 25 ?

B: frosted mini wheats w banana and blueberries; oat milk
L: rice w beans and spinach under Smooth Lemon Sauce
S: rice cakes
D: nuked potatoes, veggie stix

Holy cow, I don't know what I ate, but I've got the trots this morning. Three BM's before 6 o'clock and I'm still keeping the toilet seat hot. Ugh. hmmmm, wasn't there a salmonella recall on onions? I had some red onion in my salad!

So, here's a yummy easy sauce for over rice.

Smooth Lemon Sauce

bring 4 c water to a boil. Mix in 1 TBSP of bouillon base (more if needed) until dissolved. Add 3 TBSP lemon juice. (more if needed)
In a separate cup, mix a slurry of 2 tsp cornstarch and 1/4 c. cool water, and add this to the bubbling broth mixture. Stir until it thickens. You might need to add more of this.

Yummy over rice! When I"m not being careful about fatty foods, I add sliced green olives to this.

Thinking about these guidelines, the two things I want to make into habits are chewing thoroughly and being more active. I helped Wylie organize the shed the other night and my feet were hurting so bad by the time we were done :( I HATE that any kind of up and at em makes my feet SO painful but I do want to be up doing more than I am.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :|
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :| (rice cake for a snack)
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :oops:

Guidelines for Healthy Eating in MWL book, page 67.
1. Eat until you’re satisfied :mrgreen:
2. Graze
3. Allow time for digestion :mrgreen:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:18 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 22
Day 26

B: frosted mini wheats w blueberries and banana; oatmilk
L: chili and rice; spinach
D: nuked potatoes; sugar snap peas and baby carrots

Lord my knee hurts today. Don't know what happened, but it set in yesterday so that when I got up from my desk, it was so stiff and sore. This morning lying in bed it was tweaking hard. Moving around makes it better. Being still makes it hurt. And other than standing around a few days ago helping/hanging out with Wylie to organize the shed...that hurt my feet at the time MAJORLY but my knee started acting up two days later so I don't know what it is.

Feeling very confident with the eating plan this morning. Cravings are non-existent, reducing variety has helped SO much. Same breakfast every day and big batching it, for the same lunch and/or dinner for many days in a row. It removes the need to decide, and removes the "felt need" for extravagance or "specialness". I am beginning to feel like I did when I first came back to McDougalling almost 11 years ago: head in the game, going to eat this way forever, etc. Gosh it feels good to be all the way in the game. It's only taken me two years to get here!

Oh...I finally made my oatmilk, and it's in the fridge getting cold. I'm dumping the other half gallon of oily milk :nod: Think I'll get a pot of chili going today, since I'm out of batch food. I made a huge batch of rice the other day that I'm using with salads. Yeah. Chili. I'll start a pot of that today.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :?
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :oops:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:22 pm
by bunsofaluminum
August 23
DAY 28

B: frosted mini-wheats; blueberries; oat milk (oil free homemade!) (slightly gritty :lol:)
L: chili over rice; broccoli
D: nuked red potatoes; veg stix

My knee got better. Yay. So random. If it still feels good tomorrow, I'm going to get up early and take a walk. Maybe around the block, depending on the FEET. :roll:

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :mrgreen:
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :? that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:48 pm
by bunsofaluminum
August 24
Day 29

B: frosted mini wheats w blueberries and banana; homemade oatmilk
L: huge salad w. chili mac over the top
D: Costa Vida salad w. corn tortillas, no quac, no tortilla strips;

Gosh... stepped on the scale today. I actually have been weighing weekly to keep track, just not mentioning it here until my official weigh in day, which is August 31. Well, I'm up 4 lbs from my most recent weight. Which ticks me off. I hate it. :angry: makes me cranky. Stupid scale.

Feeling really good otherwise. Aches and pains gone. Knee pain virtually non-existent, energy good. We have smoke from the California fires in Salt Lake so the air is pretty low quality, and it's staying pretty warm overnight and that was my excuse for not taking a walk (besides dreading the foot pain that always comes after even short walks). I did step outside for a little bit before coffee this morning. And I held two 30 second planks :nod: that's a goal: 60 second plank. Currently able to hold it steady for 30 seconds with extended arms (not forearms)...maybe a full 60 seconds by the end of the week.

So, I bought some bags of salad on sale. Butter leaf, hearts of romain, arugula, etc. Mixed it all together and put in a gallon ziploc. It's been the foundation of some salads I've been eating the last few days. Today's lunch in fact was a big bowl of salad greens, with diced cucumber, minced red onion, and sliced mushrooms, with my homemade chili and macaroni over the top. A dash of balsamic, and a HEARTY dash of nooch over the top. YUM. There's nothing like the entree over your salad to substitute for dressing :D

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :?
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety :mrgreen:

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :mrgreen:
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is.
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity

CW: 246

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:58 pm
by bunsofaluminum

A while back, before my new phone, I had myself on a strict 60 min per day FB limit. I use YouTube at work, listening to podcasts while I'm doing the mindless copy/paste aspects of my job, so I didn't limit that, but FB was one hour. Period. Then I got a new phone and didn't put the limit on FB anymore...OMG right before Covid hit...Well, after a few months of Covid + murder hornets + + the murder of a black man by a cop + the rioting + wearing masks + election year...that place got so distressing that I quit altogether for a week or more (okay, not altogether, but I stopped scrolling through my feed, stopped commenting on everything I saw, etc...) and it got boring you know? I wasn't interested anymore. Found myself on FB maybe twice a week, for maybe 15 minutes at a time.

Then last night I got sucked in. There were weeks worth of replies, many memes to peruse, and wow some ads for cute clothes in my size :roll: and I spent NO LIE 45 minutes just scrolling through. Caught myself getting het up at things, and ran across some of the garbage which was the reason I took a break from Facebook in the first place. Went to bed in a bad mood, disgusted with myself for sitting there getting my face sucked off by my phone when I could've been in bed spooning my husband.

And then I got thinking about my leisure time activities before FB was a thing. As a kid almost all of my free time was spent reading. I loved books so much, I had a dream of being an author some day. In my early 20's, as a single mom, I was more busy, and for various reasons I was reading less fiction, and then the internet came along in my 30's which took me right away from books and started whittling away at my attention span. Now, a couple of decades later, the internet is in my dang pocket, and I find my ability to focus is VERY diminished and it needs to stop. I've got to "heal" my attn span so I'm going to limit myself strictly with social media. FB is the only social media that i participate in, and I'm going to give myself 30 minutes a day. I'll check in with the various Zentangle pages I enjoy, see how my friends are doing, probably check with the beekeepers page, and OUT. 30 minutes per day.

Still planning on my podcasts through YouTube and Spotify (Joe Rogan is moving to Spotify and I gotta have me some Joe Rogan Experience) but also planning on not just vegging out in front of the TV anymore, either. I want to DO something. Even go outside and sit under the shade with a book and a beer, you know? Oh...a Book and a Tea :lol:

Maybe I'll get to a place where my screentime, all told, is limited to 60 minutes per day. For now, 30 min FB time allowed per day. :nod: and I'll find other things to do with my time.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:57 am
by bunsofaluminum
August 25
Day 30

B: frosted mini wheats; blueberries; oatmilk
L: chili mac salad
S: cantaloupe and grapes
D: chili mac salad
S: oatmeal

Got thinking about these mini wheats I've been eating for brekkie. They do have a little bit of frosting on them, which is refined sugar, and they're processed. I eat this instead of oatmeal because oatmeal does not stick to my ribs AT ALL. Within a couple hours of eating a massive bowl of oatmeal "with the works" (which is a G-BOMBS bowl packed with greens, mushrooms, onions, berries) I feel hungry. Even if I cook steel cut oats and eat to satiation, I'm hungry again two hours later. With frosted mini wheats, I start feeling hungry about a half hour before lunchtime. Dr M allows them, but they are processed and maybe they're calorie dense. Thinking about switching it out.

easy to fix
fills me up
keeps me full

calorie dense?
sugar on top

Wrenched my back :\ geez, Louise.

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.
1. Eliminate All Animal Foods :mrgreen:
2. Eliminate All Oils :mrgreen:
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives. :mrgreen:
4. Eliminate All Flour Products :?
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes :mrgreen:
6. Eat Legumes :mrgreen:
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal :mrgreen:
8. Eat Uncooked Foods :mrgreen:
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice :mrgreen:
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly :mrgreen:

Healthy Eating Habits
Chew foods thoroughly
Restrict variety

Addendum from the newer version:

1) use no salt in cooking. Sprinkle a little bit on the top of your food if desired. :mrgreen:
2) eliminate calorie dense foods including air popped popcorn and others :mrgreen:
that rice cake. It's salty and crispy and I have one or two a day and that's just how it is. (did not have rice cake today)
3) eat until satiated. Do not stuff your stomach. Stop when you feel full :mrgreen:
4) be more active. Aim for 30 minutes per day of brisk activity :mrgreen:

SW: 250
GW: 140

Posting an updated weight on 8/31/2020