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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:37 am
by ncyg46
Time to start a new journal! Happy New Year to all! Starting the new year not smoking anymore...and working on other things!

Gonna do something today that I always say I won't do but I need a new jacket with this cold weather so we are going to Kohl's 60-80% off Sale. Hopefully I will find something, otherwise it is Goodwill's 50% Saturday!!!!! Wish me luck! :D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:19 pm
by jsl
Yay! Congratulations on no more smoking!! That's awesome :)

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:25 pm
by ncyg46
i am analyzing things... the only thing i have done different in the past two months is use a bit of fat free yogurt to make "cheese" out of it by draining it. It was in two of the old Ornish's books and i used to do that but I also had sciatica and couldn't walk back then, I had a walker.

Now with a month of using it I have major neck pain so it seems it is related. No more for me. Anyone know anything about this??? The only time I am not in pain is when i am lying down or sitting on a pillow. My neck is cracking when i do my exercises. I figure this is the reason so it's gone!!!!! Haven't had this in 15 years....oh well! :eek: And I haven't been able to eat much since I eat and them toss my cookies. Not worth it, I am done. :D Any input would be welcome! :D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:04 pm
by ncyg46
update....still in pain in my neck if I sit. Took a few pain pills of Eds the past couple of days which never bother me and now my stomach is messed up and haven't been able to hold anything down for three days and I have been eating very bland things. Just want someone to give me a new neck or something. Totally tired of feeling like this. I can walk, I can lie down, but can't sit without it hurting...sniff...sniff! :crybaby: :crybaby:

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:33 pm
by jsl
My husband has chronic neck problems, and he's been through a lot! I'm sorry you have to experience this, and I hope you feel better really soon.

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:01 pm
by sksamboots
Hey Nancy,

I hope this New Year brings you better health than the last :nod:

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:19 am
by ncyg46
thanks to both of you...wish I could figure out what is wrong. At least not keeping anything down is good for weight loss...down to 127! Just have to figure out this thing with my neck. I can hear the disks or bones cracking when I try to exercise it.... :( And can't spend all day in bed!

Gonna try some really creamy oatmeal this morning and see if that stays. At least I don't have to go grocery shopping this week, haven't eaten last weeks stuff yet! :D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:42 pm
by ncyg46
debbie wrote:Sorry to hear you are in such pain. Is the fatfree yogurt dairy?? If so, then that is probably the issue. If memory serves me, yogurt is concentrated protein, like cheese is. Maybe the proteins are causing the issue.

If youre still having issue keeping food down, try the brat diet. Broth, Rice (white), Applesauce, Toast.

Hope you get better real soon :)'s from one of the older Ornish books. So it's gone! Today so far is good, I can actually sit up and breakfast (plain oatmeal) stayed down so I am feeling better!
Made mashed potatoes plain the other night and those even caused much blander can I get? lol! Well at least I guess my blood pressure is okay cause I had taken my pills after I ate and they obviously didn't dissolve before they were gone...and my bp was fine in the morning!!!

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:51 pm
by ncyg46
well much better today! Had two meals so far and kept it down, the neck is not hurting as much and I can sit! :D
Still not sure what happened but the nonfat dairy is gone for good. I also had reread the Esselstyn book and tried the supplements he suggested. When I stopped the pills, it seemed to clear up! I guess I am used to not taking them and eating McD style so I will continue to. The ones I stopped were the multivitamin and the calcium pills. That may have also contributed to it. Feel much better now..... :-D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:40 pm
by ncyg46
well I take all that back. The neck thing is driving me crazy and really not sure what to do. At this point I feel like just cutting it off and reattaching it!
went to the dance last night, danced slow and got a sorta massage while I was sitting there. Nothing is helping and I won't take any of those pain pills so I am just being miserable. Yuck! :(

This is not fair...can't eat out, can't really go anywhere socially. Sometimes I wonder what's the point?

Anyway I got Feb. Las Vegas trip sorta figured out. I ordered stuff from Harmony House and I did order their 12 soup mixes with the 2 qt crockpot. I wasn't going to get the pot but it worked out to 8.00 and it added up to the right amount for free shipping! So I will throw a bag in the crockpot, add 4 cups of water and let it cook for the 4 hours! And I am taking Success Rice with me. We also have a microwave for most of the time for nuking potatoes. Not exactly Jeff's SNAP meals since I don't have frozen veggies but it should work out. The sodium is not that bad on them, hope Ed likes soup with his hamburgers cause otherwise I am not cooking in that thing! He can go outside and do his thing with the portable stove! :D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:55 pm
by afreespirit
Sorry to hear about your neck problem, which sounds so awful. I have no clue, but have you tried searching online for help coping/solutions? :-(

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:04 pm
by ncyg46
sorta...been using a heat thing that you microwave for 1:15 minutes and wrap it around the neck....and then I smell like sometime else when I use the lotion I got from the chinese place. Makes it feel better anyway...It is White Flower and also Kwan Oolong Oil, sorta like the old bengay that got warm. Stinks though!!!! First two people loaned me those, then I ordered them from Amazon and gave the others back. Went to the Oriental Market last week and they were half price now I know where to go..
Watching the news on the Congresswoman's sick and sad. I guess we aren't safe anywhere. That's close to the park where we go in April for the solar potluck. I finally got part of the patio cleaned out today and used the solar oven for the first time this winter. Missed that. Since we got the truck camper it blocked the only place i had sun so now I can use it again by getting rid of the swing, the front table and all my unused plant pots. I am cutting things down to what I can take care of up high...otherwise the javelinas and rabbits eat it all!!!! :D

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:58 pm
by afreespirit
That is too bad about your neck...may take some time for it to return to normal...yes it is certainly sad about the latest crazy I was reading, pretty soon no half-way normal person will even want to run for office anymore, if they even do now :roll: Thanks for the update on Life at Your Place! :)

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:24 am
by ncyg46
h*ll it makes you think twice about going out grocery shopping also! That Safeway store is less than a mile from the State Park that we go to for our Solar Potluck off Oracle April. In fact last year we stopped in that area for diesel. I finally did take a pain pill yesterday and it got better for the rest of the day but I really try not to take them. :(

Re: NancyG2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:05 am
by afreespirit
Wow, guess that really hits home when something like that happens so close to you in a place you actually know. :eek: I am not one for pain pillls either--they make me horribly nauseated. Don't know if maybe ibuprofen might help you--or Aleve, which is stronger--

Here is a great quote for you (attributed to Clarence Darrow): "The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, the second half by our children." :-P