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My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:17 am
by Atheria
I have read for years that certain foods are literally addicting and can affect the brain the same way heroin does, but didn't pay too much attention to it. That being said, I've come to the recent conclusion that I am a fat addict. Once I start in on peanut butter, the next thing I know I'm filling avocados with nut/seed butter while dipping them in olive oil. It's a slippery slope! I have never been someone who can have just a tablespoon of sunflower seed butter. I have to have a huge serving.

Well, out-of-control mixing of lots of fat with carbs is leading me down the road to diabetes, even at my small size. I had a feeling my blood sugar was high and checked it this a.m. Ugh. It's gone up noticeably with an increased amount of fatty vegan food recently. I've GOT to get off high fat foods. I clearly cannot be trusted with nut/seed butters, avocados, etc. in my house. I wonder if I can go to the Betty Ford Clinic for a month for olive oil addiction?! Diabetes is rampant on my maternal side, and I do not want to go down that road. So, I'm starting fresh today on ONLY low fat vegan food. I think I'm an example of moderation NOT working. I just cannot eat peanut butter moderately, for example.



Re: My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:52 am
by Atheria
Interestingly, they mention peanut butter addiction in this video while talking about Penn Jillette.

I also struggle with shades of gray and do better when I just tell myself NONE...not some...NONE.


Re: My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:40 pm
by bunsofaluminum
It's the same for me. I have no problem staying away from animal protein or sugary stuff, but fats are rough to get completely out of my diet. I think moderation is viable for people who don't have issues with binge eating or boredom eating, etc. People who stop when full and don't eat if they're not hungry. Sure, they can have a handful of walnuts and stop. Or eat a single serving of potato chips. People who can push away their plate EVEN WITH yummy food still on it probably can have some success with "moderation"...
Maybe if we thought of refined fats as I dunno arsenic or rat poison. I wouldn't eat those in any amount, and certainly wouldn't include them "moderately" in my eating.

Anyways, welcome :) this is a good place to get your thoughts down and believe me, handy when you want to look back and see where you've been. :nod:

Re: My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:50 pm
by Atheria
Okay, (1) I love your screen name! LOL (2) Yep. If I had to pinpoint it, I'd say things like nut/seed butters and vegan mayo are my main triggers. I've not bought vegan mayo in eons due to that, so it's mostly been peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, and tahini. But, they then lead to avocados, and oils. I've never had a huge sweet tooth, so sugary stuff doesn't send me over the edge.

Besides my blood sugar moving in a scary direction, my severe chronic pain SHOULD keep me on the straight and narrow. Too many omega 6s like I've been eating make inflammation worse. Today is day #1 back on very low fat, so it'll take a few days with my sluggish digestive tract, to clean out the gunk from yesterday (and days before). It would be a blessing if my pain level goes down, but I won't hold my breath regarding that stubborn issue. Right now I've GOT to get my blood sugar numbers down. I don't need to lose weight, so that's why I felt free to overindulge in peanut butter, etc.

Whirled peas,

Re: My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:09 pm
by Drew_ab
You've mentioned your blood sugar levels a few times. I'm wondering just what they are?

Re: My name is Atheria and I'm a fat addict.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:42 am
by Atheria
Drew_ab wrote:You've mentioned your blood sugar levels a few times. I'm wondering just what they are?

I don't check my sugar all the time, but yesterday my fasting number was 113. That is pre-diabetic. But, 2 hours after eating I've also been up in the 200s. I have had fasting numbers of 125+...though, thankfully, that has been rare. I seem to be more in the pre-diabetic zone, but moving in a bad direction. My mom is now a severe insulin dependent diabetic. We both started off with sudden onset hypoglycemia, but then it morphed with time.
