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Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:59 pm
by Ruff
Hi Rick, I am so glad you chose to stay here and post, rather than just vanish when things dont go to plan. I believe it is the first step in the right direction. Even when things dont go to plan, 'owning it' is so much better than hiding.

Beans sound good, so do potatoes. Back on the road again. You know what to do, and remember we all believe in you. We know you can do it.

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 2:22 pm
by Lizzy_F
Hi Rick!

I'm glad to see you post!!!

Why not just eat the can of beans if that is what you are hungry for? And a potato? :D :D

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:12 am
by rickfm
Lizzy_F wrote:Why not just eat the can of beans if that is what you are hungry for? And a potato? :D :D

Beans are actually a bit of a "trigger" food, for me. They have a pasta-like affect. A little leads to a lot.

That, and I like the way I'm feeling eating mostly potatoes. Although, I have started including a plate of brown rice/cabbage/mixed veggies each day for my midday meal.

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:16 pm
by VegSeekingFit
Hi Rick! :-D

Thank you for sharing the instructions on posting photos on the DB's!!!

Hope that you have a great weekend with lots of potatoes...


Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:10 am
by deweyswakms
rickfm wrote:
I also took an interest in simplicity and minimalism around the same time I started looking into the WFPB WOE. I like the idea of simple living and simple eating (see the link in my sig).

Hey Rick, welcome back! The age-old battle with food and other junky behaviors that hurt us! Been there, done that, still dabble occasionally. You already know what to do. For me, the behavior change was the hardest, but gosh darn I do love how I feel now - no pain in my 'older than you' body.

Check out Jeff N's 'fast foods'; they are simple, fast, nutritious and KEY to my food plans. Plus I just love my potatoes: I cook 4 or 5 red or gold potatoes with some edamame, peas, corn, sometimes carrots; add spices, rough mash, eat.

I love your dream of hiking the PCT, and what a great goal. Why not start training now?

keep going, Marsha

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:15 pm
by Ruff
Hi Rick, how's it going? I have done a photo using your link! very excited, and thank you.

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:27 pm
by rickfm
Bleh... I've been at a bit of a plateau. Minor ups and downs and giving in to cravings. A Snickers bar got the best of me the other day. That 245 lb barrier remains elusive.

I often wonder about the possibility of some kind of psychological resistance to weight loss. You know, being stuck in that place where the comfort of old familiar bad behavior is all too easily accepted over the unknown territory of change. Or perhaps even a deep seated fear of becoming a different person. A confident, disciplined, self-controlled, healthy person.

I have not weighed less than 200 lbs in over 27 years. I had the strangest experience once about 7 years ago, I think it was. I had gotten all the way down to 205 lbs - within striking distance of hitting that major milestone. I distinctly remember seeing myself in the bathroom mirror at that time and being completely caught off guard by it.

I could actually see my jawline and it was so unfamiliar to me that it seemed odd. Instead of being happy about it, or feeling a sense of well-being and accomplishment, I was struck by an unsettling sensation. I literally said out loud, "Who the hell are you."

I went for a walk later that day, and being the good alcoholic I was at the time, decided it was a good idea to swing by a minimart and grab a 6 pack of beer... for God only knows what lame excuse. Consequently, another binge ensued, along with the usual junky convenience food associated with it. Fifteen pounds came back on in no time.

So... yeah... stuff. :?

Anyhow... not giving up. Just got back from the grocery store with another bag of potatoes and some broccoli.


Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 1:13 pm
by Lizzy_F
Hi Rick! Good to see you back! Can't go wrong with potatoes and broccoli!

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:26 am
by Ejeff
Great you stocked up on the potatoes and broccoli. I’m just curious when you say you had a snickers bar was it already in the house? Did you have to drive to the store to get it? Just my opinion, but it would probably be very helpful to prepare for the next time you get a craving. For example have some healthy sweet potato chocolate pudding in the fridge ready to eat or some oat banana cookies.

In regards to psychological resistance to weight loss, would it help you to perhaps focus on healthy behaviours as opposed to the scale? Why do you want to get healthy? For myself, it’s because I want to continue to be active and pain free as I age and I also want to avoid cancer. It seems to run in my family.

The main thing is just never quit. If you eat something that is not compliant forget about it as quickly as you can and have a potato or bowl of oatmeal and fruit. Just focus on the next meal or the next snack.


Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:25 am
by rickfm
Ejeff wrote:I’m just curious when you say you had a snickers bar was it already in the house? Did you have to drive to the store to get it?

It was at a store. Random, impulsive "I don't care, I want one" momentary lapse of will power.

In regards to psychological resistance to weight loss, would it help you to perhaps focus on healthy behaviours as opposed to the scale?

Good point. Weighing myself every day is just part of my morning routine. Been doing it for years. Guess it's just a habit. Same with recording and tracking my weigh-ins all these years.

It would probably do me good to stop worrying about weight goals and just allow this "Way Of Eating" to do it's thing.

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:15 pm
by Ruff
I think focusing on habits will really help you. rather than that elusive weight goal.

And yes, I do think we tend to self sabotage as we near our goals. It has always seemed funny to me that so much is written about 'fear of failure'. Most of us are totally happy to fail, done it all our lives, got quite good at it. I think most of us have a fear of success. What if you actually achieve our goals? What then? Will I be able to cope with the new situation? What if I achieve my weight goals and everyone is proud of me? can in live in that space?

So, starting from the assumption you do actually want to do this, and you must do or you have slunk off into the woodwork again by now, habits habits habits. And new routines. "When I see a chocolate bar and I think 'I dont care" I will......" eat a potato? Phone a friend? post about it on here first?

I know what you mean about that I dont care thing. I have battled it for years. As certain foods get added to the never will eat again list, it gets easier as there is simply less temptation. Animal foods have gone from my list forever so that is easy but I do get tempted by vegan treats. Picked up a "baked in store" warm gooey vegan pastry last week when very stressed. I managed to put it down again, but it was a close thing.

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 6:13 pm
by Lizzy_F
Hi again Rick! I wish I had a nickel for every time I succumbed to the "Effits" when it comes to Pleasure Trap foods - I would be quite wealthy now! A couple of strategies I have been employing in the last few month that have really helped me to avoid those momentary lapses that can be so disasterous.

1) I primarily order my groceries online and do grocery pickup. This way I'm never in the stores, and never *see* the Pleasure Trap foods.

2) If I do have to go into a grocery store, I make a point of going early in the day when my will power is strongest, reducing the liklihood of an "Effit" moment.

Of course I have made the "special trip" to the store during more sustained "Effit" moments many times in the past. I have thus far avoided that particular trap by envisioning my FAVORITE starch (baked potatoes + ketchup) and having plenty already cooked and on hand. Eating a potato + ketchup seems to quiet that inner voice.

Not sure if any of that is helpful - I truly do understand what you are saying. The struggle is real!

Keep coming back, as they say! Enjoy those taters!

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:09 pm
by VegSeekingFit
Hi Rick!!! :-D

Maybe will help you to just eat the "recommended foods" and notice how you are feeling??? And not worry about weight?? Weight will ultimately take care of itself... (if you are eating "recommended" food - like potatoes and cabbage...)

I think that I saw that you mentioned depression as health concern? So, I have anxiety (but I do know different things)... anyway, McD has helped me deal with anxiety tremendously... Totally worth anything to me and I notice a substantial difference (and feel FANTASTIC).

Wishing you the best on your journey...

Best to you,

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:18 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hey Rick,

Skimmed through your journal just now and wanted to commiserate with you: Too old for this. I'm 61 and recently had to have knee replacement due to arthritis plus a meniscus tear that left me crippled. And I'm so MAD at myself for being obese my entire adult life, which wore down the cartilage in my knee a lot faster than it should have, and now I'm 100 lbs overweight and having to recover from major surgery on my legs, which bear all of my weight.

I also have been where you were when you saw your own jawline...I've been fat my entire life, how will I interact with the world WITHOUT fat all over me? It's a strange thought, strange sensation. But when I was at the same weight as my senior year in high school, back there in 2013, gosh it was GOOD! eye contact, confidence, energy. It's worth it.

Believe me when I tell you, McDougalling will help with weight loss and EVERYTHING else: depression, gut issues, joint pain, muscle pain. It's the way to go, and will make you feel energized, bright, focused, clear. Let's do this!

Re: Nothing Good Will Come of Me...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:46 pm
by rickfm
Ruff wrote:I think focusing on habits will really help you. rather than that elusive weight goal.

...habits habits habits.

Ejeff wrote:In regards to psychological resistance to weight loss, would it help you to perhaps focus on healthy behaviours as opposed to the scale?

You are both, of course, correct. And honestly, you're not telling me anything I don't already know. I guess I've had it in my mind that I'll just keep tracking my weight until I hit a certain goal and then stop fixating on it so much.

Reading your replies reminded me of a quote I had written down from someone, somewhere on the webs.

Don't set goals, make habits. Goals are arbitrary... determined by chance, whimsy or impulse and not by necessity, reason or principle.

I think I'm going to work on that. Start weighing myself once a week instead of every day. Maybe start thinking of my weight "goals" as more like waypoints (weigh points?) that I can wave at as I pass them on my greater journey to overall health and well-being.

VegSeekingFit wrote:So, I have anxiety (but I do know different things)... anyway, McD has helped me deal with anxiety tremendously... Totally worth anything to me and I notice a substantial difference (and feel FANTASTIC).

I have high hopes that this way of eating will provide relief from a number of ailments, including depression. I am reluctant to throw myself into anymore "treatments" for mental health issues (been there, done that) until I get a handle on this diet and lifestyle thing.

That's a big part of the title I chose for this thread. Getting rid of the gut is not just about appearances. For me it's a thing that has come to represent decades of dysfunctional, compulsive, self-defeating behavior that needs to be dealt with once and for all.

bunsofaluminum wrote:Skimmed through your journal just now and wanted to commiserate with you...

Ahh, a kindred spirit. Thanks for stopping by and chipping in.

Likewise to all of you. Your suggestions, encouragement and gentle nudges are greatly appreciated. :)