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Re: High cholesterol by heredity

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:54 pm
by dollmaker
oh been on and off this for about 20yrs.. LOL.. but this time it's for good.. I have no choice now thankfully!
thanks for the encouragement

Re: High cholesterol by heredity

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:51 am
by dp135
afreespirit wrote:The CRON-o-meter is an excellent tool for tracking your nutritional intake (see below threads). Be sure to also read the books by Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn which are specific to heart health, if you haven't already.

I returned to a more Fuhrman type diet about a month ago as I find that added starches just did not agree with me personally. It made me crave food all the time and I even gained a couple of lbs which since dropped off. I found out I am not celiac thank goodness but I just do better with less starch.
I'm not sure how my numbers will bear it all out but they were ok last year and we shall see.

I find that all the information from all the doctors and from Jeff's DVDs is invaluable and thank you all once again for your help and support.

Re: High cholesterol by heredity

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:47 pm
by sweetfruitlover
Hi Dorothy,

I'm new on the forum, but I wanted to write because I too have cholesterol issues. When I was about 40, I checked and TC was 300 - yikes! My doctor wanted to put me on lipator of course, but I told her that I wanted to experiment with diet and see what happened. She really discouraged me. I remember she said "You could be a vegan marathon runner and it wouldn't make any difference. This is genetic." I told her that with all due respect, she hadn't checked my DNA and I was going to see what a change in diet could do.

I adopted a lower fat plant-centered diet, inspired by reading Dr. McD, Furhman and others. When I checked again (after just a month or two), TC was down to 174, and HDL, LDL and TG were all moving in a healthy direction. Yay!

But then I adopted a really low fat raw vegan diet where I ate most of my calories from fruit, and ate 6-8% fat. I lost lots of weight eating this way. After two years of this I checked and my TC was up to 250! I couldn't believe it. Apparently I do not process fructose that well.

So the part I wanted to communicate to you is that within the world of low fat, plant-centered eating, there is a wide range of options and they may have quite different effects on your cholesterol. Keep experimenting and seeing what combination of vegetables, starches, fruits and added fats works best for you. Good luck!

Re: High cholesterol by heredity

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:33 am
by kittyadventures
I realise your gluten test came back negative but yet you have mentioned several things that point to at least a celiac sensitivity especially the cravings for more when you eat it and the itchyness.... the aches and pains. please try to eliminate the gluten again I think you may find it really helps you.

dp135 wrote:
afreespirit wrote:The CRON-o-meter is an excellent tool for tracking your nutritional intake (see below threads). Be sure to also read the books by Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn which are specific to heart health, if you haven't already.

I returned to a more Fuhrman type diet about a month ago as I find that added starches just did not agree with me personally. It made me crave food all the time and I even gained a couple of lbs which since dropped off. I found out I am not celiac thank goodness but I just do better with less starch.
I'm not sure how my numbers will bear it all out but they were ok last year and we shall see.

I find that all the information from all the doctors and from Jeff's DVDs is invaluable and thank you all once again for your help and support.