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High Creatinine Low eGFR

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:18 am
by briggsy13
My husband was put on high blood pressure meds probably 5-6 year ago now. He's on the lowest dose, and his blood pressure was never very high. Of course the doctor tells him to exercise and lose weight, but so far that hasn't happened. I have been trying to get him to switch to WFPB eating with me. So fast forward to this week he had blood work done for his semi annual doctor visit. The blood work is just to check his Creatinine levels, apparently it has been high for a while now. I said please try eating the way I eat. His response is that all the foods I eat are listed as bad for people with kidney issues. From what I know of this way of eating, I am convinced that if he were to eat this way, his BP would drop, he could be off meds and in turn his other levels would regulate.
I guess I'm just seeing if anyone else has dealt with this. I don't even know how "high" 1.38 is? the normal levels are listed at .76-1.27 on his blood work.